Muhammad Lila knows Toronto

As part of the new The National, reporters have been putting together low-rez promos featuring themselves (all with pre-roll CBC promos, so 2 promos for your money). Claire Martin talks about the weather. Rex Murphy talks about his innovative approach to incorporating E-mail into his broadcasts.

And Muhammad Lila wants you to know he’s just a regular guy like you, not a “reporter in a fancy suit.” Who, by virtue of repeating the word “Toronto” in front of multiple camera angles, covers the Toronto that no one else does, and in particular the Toronto around the CBC building.

Check out his highlight reel:

front-stOn Front Street, in front of the CBC.

alleyIn “Graffitti Alley” near Queen St. W, a few minutes walk from the CBC.
In the video promo, a cracked-out bum accosts Muhammed here saying he’s recognizes him as not a “street person or a lawyer,” and regular-guy Muhammed can barely contain his seething rage thru gritted teeth.

fancy suitActually, this one does look like a reporter in a fancy suit, albeit far from the CBC.

harbourfrontPooped out at harbourfront, a few minutes walk from the CBC.

parkLooks like Queen’s park/U of T. He’s inching his way closer to Bloor St., folks! Stay tuned!


  • Anonymous says:

    I’ve never seen such a self-smug hack in my life. PS, was the protest he was covering CBC viewers pissed about all this crap?

  • Jer says:

    Wow, so Rex looked like he was being forced to do it at gunpoint and the CBC Vancouver newsroom was empty, I guess cause of all the layoffs.

  • Jer says:

    Just a regular guy! No fancy suit!? Great, I was getting tired of all the professionalism. Now, all I need is a doctor that doesn’t use that pesky mask.

  • Anonymous says:

    The promos are a joke. At least half of the people being promoted are a joke.
    Some people really need to be fired over this disaster.

    Oh and shame on all you ass kissers reading this who smiled and nodded and said nothing while it was being hatched because you were worried about the job you wouldn’t get.

  • Malachi Constant says:

    I have a name for people who use their broadcaster voice all the time. “Mr. Full-of-shit”

    I know; it’s not really that creative or that funny. But it’s what came to mind when I watched the video.

    Sometimes MR-Full-of-shits do very well for themselves. Tom Clark comes to mind.

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