Kirstine ‘Stewart’ dismisses any increase in Parliamentary budget allocation

First, when did Kirstine Layfield’s surname change, and why couldn’t I find a record of that after relatively serious searching?

At any rate, on the topic of pernicious and unwanted product integration in CBC shows (q.v.), Stewart told the Star “I think [Canadians would] rather see us work for that money as opposed to them paying it out of taxes.”

So there you have it, Tories: Go ahead and starve the Corpse of funding. We’ll just whore ourselves out in the meantime.


  • Bytowner says:

    Evidently not hearing from all of the taxpayers right at that particular moment when she made the comment!

  • Mrs. MaidenNameForever says:

    Where I live we have to pay to take our husband’s name. Many think this is annoying but it’s for reasons like this that I think it makes sense. Many women don’t cough up the money because it’s expensive to do it, and expensive to go through the legal name change when you divorce.

    Obviously Kirstine is no longer with Mr. Layfield. It must suck having to recreate your name recognition and have your maritial laundry aired for all to see.

    • Fake Ouimet says:

      If one legally marries, it’s a public act. Getting married isn’t “marital laundry.”

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