Simultaneous substitutions

Michael Wolff, The Man Who Owns the News, p. 344, original:

The Times’s own insecurity about itself encourages Murdoch’s own tenacity in pursuing the Journal – and, through it, the Times. Murdoch, as it happens, is no small cause of this insecurity. The rattled, humiliated, second-guessing Times has become a leitmotif at the Fox News Channel. Fox News has helped turn the Times into a caricature, a joke.


The CBC’s own insecurity about itself encourages Asper’s own tenacity in pursuing its demise. Asper, as it happens, is no small cause of this insecurity. The rattled, humiliated, second-guessing CBC has become a leitmotif at the National Post. The Post has helped turn the CBC into a caricature, a joke.

Too close to home?