Patrick Watson: A dream realized

Newsworld dribbles while Iran burns: “[W]hen I gave up on CNN and turned to CBC Newsworld… they were talking about – was I dreaming? – community soccer.”

1 Comment

  • Anonymous says:

    Soccer day in Canada is more important than Iran exploding, especially when it's CBC sponsored Soccer Day in Canada.

    Those poor kids in Newfoundland, the engineers didn't foresee the soccer field flooding and the steel structure for the first indoor soccer field on the rock collapsed. Perhaps they should worry less about soccer and hire more competent engineers and architect in Newfoundland.

    Perhaps they folks who built the 1st indoor soccer facility in P.E.I. can give the fine folks in Newfoundland a few pointers.

    Newsworld did its best with its skeleton week-end staff trying to cope with the events in Tehran.

    Usually first instinct is not to go to Newsworld for breaking international coverage on Saturday or Sunday.

    Perhaps Dick could have sent Carol in to help. But they were probably out giving Dick's CBC issued credit card a workout while wining and dining other members of the senior management team.

    How will the ever survive on only 50% of their bonuses?

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