Jozi-H promotion

Sharp-eyed man in the street and Tea Makers regular commenter Johnny Happypants points out these promotional oddities less than a block away from the CBC:

Who knew our boring old publicists would be replaced by cool, paste-toting vandals? And why are the “sexy… hard-hitting” quotes not sourced? And why doesn’t the web link go to

For that matter, how did a show with such a crap name get on the schedule? Don’t they test market these things? Allow Johnny and myself to suggest Joizi Boyzz.

I smell a renegade publicist, perhaps Canadian, perhaps South African, responsible for these prosaic street ads. If they were going to do it, why not go ahead and do it, like the people at Monkey Warfare what attracted so much attention at this year’s TIFF?


  • Justin Beach says:

    What I was saying is that there is no point in targeting kids with a friday night medical drama at all -the kids won’t be the ones watching.

    The kids watch the polls for bands/parties etc., not for TV shows.

    Also, compared to most other forms of advertising – even colour copies/prints are pretty inexpensive.

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    “Lamp posts etc., are the newspaper for young people in the core.”

    Justin, you’ve got to be kidding. Are kids in the suburbs so hard-up for information they’re running around looking for truth on telephone poles? Like: “I’m staying in Friday night so I’ve got to check out the pole to see what’s on TV?”

    And inexpensive! Those ads are in colour and they last about a day on the street. In fact, they were gone when I went to snag a few to decorate my apartment.


  • Justin Beach says:

    It’s aggressive, and it’s inexpensive (so you’ve gotta like that.) The problem is: In my neighbourhood – (Toronto/West End/Residential) it’s a good way to get your garage sale or community event noticed – in the core (where they are working) it’s best targeted at 18-35 year olds. Lamp posts etc., are the newspaper for young people in the core. Unfortunately, most people in that age category, living in downtown Toronto are not going to stay home on friday night to watch a medical drama.

    It would be far more effective if they went outside the core and did it in residential neighborhoods where there are more young parents and others who don’t always go out on the weekend.

  • Anonymous says:

    Did management set performance benchmarks for the promotion contract as they did for program audience numbers?

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