Hitler learns of Stursberg’s dismissal


  • Robert says:

    Minister Moore should order the head of the CBC to order the head of Radio Canada to fire the msicreants involved. The head of the CBC should then be directed by Moore to fire the head of radio Canada. Moore should then fire the head of the CBC and then offer his own resignation to the PM. He should then resign from the Conservative party and cross the floor to sit with his own kind. He would be a strong contender for the Liberal leadership.

  • Naziism isn't funny says:

    I find Hitler jokes offensive. And this video is offensive on many levels, not least because I’ve seen it used as before in a lame attempt at humour.

    • I agree, Hitler jokes are offensive. He was evil and wrong, as are the words that Ouimet has put in his mouth in the video.

      However, it seems to me that we are slipping slowly into a political situation in Canada where the best things about the country are being chipped away by an intelligent man who has given himself the mandate of remaking our society fundamentally. The current government is not targetting any particular ethnic group, thank goodnesss, but it is important to protest what is going on. The dumbing down of the CBC is part of this.

      Maybe it would have been more politically astute to pick a film about Stalin, Franco, Mussolini or some other dictator for the video. The shock value would have been less, though, because none of those tyrants is as present in our collective memory.

      • Kev says:

        FYI, any instance of a Downfall meme is considered pre-Godwinned.

        This was a particularly good example though, especially the courageous departure from form at the “leave the room” joke. Kudos!

    • PoonGirl says:

      Do you need a pacifier and a blankie Mr. I can’t take a joke because I’m so, so, so offended ?

  • Anonymous says:

    Is he sleeping with her?

    August 10, 2010

    A mid-summer note following the events of last week is in order. The news of Richard Stursberg’s departure last week will, of course, generate speculation about what happened, what it means and what it doesn’t. As usual, most of it will be just that, speculation.
    So, let me set a few things straight.
    I chose Kirstine Stewart to step in as Executive Vice-President English Services not because she was next in line but because she has the leadership skills and the expertise to keep English Services driving forward as hard and as fast as possible while we run our formal recruitment process (which could take up to 9 months). She is not a caretaker. She is not a babysitter. This is not about waiting or slowing down. She is in charge, has full authority and has my complete confidence.
    We have several launches coming, a strategic plan to land and then cost, choices to make, a Leaders Forum to organize, a corporate budget to prepare… and that’s only from my vantage point! We are not slowing down. We don’t need to, we don’t have time to.
    With the creation of a new strategic plan, this is a good time to review the leadership of CBC. The decision to change leadership was not a sudden decision triggered by any specific incident. And, by the way, we did not escort Richard out of the building (where do people get these rumours?). It was, rather, the culmination of a very long reflection on the future of the Corporation, the culture it needs to adopt in order to change and adapt in an evolving media environment and our ability to agree to a long term plan based on a shared vision.
    In essence, the Strategic Plan is about having a clearer definition of what the public broadcaster brand stands for. Our industry is morphing. While we still rely on the conventional broadcasting model we have known , we will, increasingly, migrate to new models that have yet to become clear. Having a shared, compelling and visible set of principles that give shape to the public broadcasting brand will be a roadmap for future decisions. And the brand is about what we do and how we do it and how we communicate it.
    However, you should immediately know that there is nothing (and I mean nothing) in our current programming strategies that I don’t stand by: so, those out there who think this is in any way a repudiation of where we stand today will be disappointed big time.
    One constant in all this is that CBC/Radio-Canada will continue to fulfill its mandate by responding to the media and cultural challenges facing the country. Implicit in that for me are these points among others:

    The drama/entertainment strategy that has been a source success in television over the last few years will continue to be a central plank of our future strategy;
    The integration and modernization of our news services both regionally and nationally remains essential to our mandate and our success;
    Radio One’s unique role in the media landscape, whether on radio or through new media, will be maintained and nurtured;
    Our commitment to a music strategy that serves Canada’s music lovers and musical artists will continue;
    Our commitment to truly reflecting the regions to themselves and nationally is as important a priority as we have;
    We will not give up our lead in new media;
    And, by now, I hope that you know how much I care about our people.
    This is not an exhaustive list so if your own personal area of activity is not mentioned, please do not conclude that it is not important or not included in the strategy. The point is, we are moving forward from the strong position we hold, not going back to the past.
    It is about building a public broadcaster for 2015 that is even more successful, more in tune with the needs and wants of Canadians and more engaged in their lives. It is also about building a public broadcaster that is home to the most ambitious and creative workforce in the country. We have the team right here, right now, to do that. I am extremely proud of you and of what you do, every day.
    Hope you have had or will have a good break this summer. We’ll need all your energy and passion as we prepare for the fall.

    Hubert Lacroix,

  • Steph says:

    That was well done.

  • Anonymous says:

    Little Mosque on the Prairie? I didn’t think anyone watched that show. It sucks. In fact, I don’t know anybody who watches that show. And that’s one of CBC’s good shows?

  • Brilliant! I found the code to embed it on my blog today, so it’s there too.

    Maybe Lacroix, being better placed that Stursberg (does he even speak French?) to see what has happened/is happening at Radio Can, may set things going in a better direction. Certainly it seems that Espace Musique (where the shift away from serious music came first) has begun to backtrack and actually PROMOTE serious music. And if 2.1 million is the highest CBC rating for a Canadian produced drama/comedy, it is to laugh: with an audience universe of less than a third of the size Radio Can programs regularly get that number of viewers for made-in-Canada/Quebec programming.

    • Ghost of Joe Clards Past says:

      Oh, so now the ‘save Radio2’ snob crowd comes out of the woodwork.

      I remember you. You last commented here on a long-since disappeared thread by Fake Ouimet. It was about Radio 3 and Radio 2 and the radio services in general.

      I remember your Euro-centric comments about bringing classical music back to r2, and about how it was losing its intelligence. You also used the words ‘our kind of world music’, which was a pretty fucked up way of describing it . As if your educated, ‘sophisticated’ European take on shit was the cultural be all and end all. Puke. I’ll almost guarantee your appreciation of ‘world music’ is a bunch of middle of the road Putamayo compilations.

      No wonder you loved the Hitler video so much – you probably think he had the right idea!

      • Sorry, man: I am 100 per cent North American: great grandparents came to Canada in the 1840s.

        Hitler was wrong all the way down the line, including in this video.

        As for the change in Radio Two, the ratings in markets where you can make good comparisons show that there has been no increase at all in listenership, and usually a drop off. What has gained strength are the ratings of the classical music stations.

  • Ouimet says:

    Glad you enjoyed it. Here’s the original file if you want to make your own:


    Download it, write what you want overtop, and upload. YouTube blocked mine as soon as I posted it. So try somewhere else.

  • Inuapialuk says:

    How the hell did George Smith get out alive?

  • That might be my most favourite thing EVER.

  • OMG! says:

    BRILLIANT! Thank you!

  • Anonymous says:

    I laughed, I cried, I peed my pants!

  • Allan says:

    Only … merely … brilliant.
    Ouimet, no one does it better.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Wow, those army generals looked SHARP in their military outfits !

  • PoonGirl says:

    MIEN MIEN MIEN MIEN MIEN !!!!!!!!!!!

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