The CBC has all the integrity of BP

Despite several emails to several people at the CBC, not one of them was ever responded to, not even as having been received.

Yet lo and behold, it isn’t just a new picture of Jian Ghomeshi that’s different about the new, improved “Q” web site:

as compared to the line it replaces, still in use on Jian’s own web page for his fans:

The change comes about without any acknowledgement that the earlier statement, which had been up there for nearly a year, was in any way misleading.
The sentence was simply altered, as if on a whim, by some enterprising revisionist copy writer.
Now we can all pretend it never happened.

The CBC aligns itself with the integrity of British Petroleum – pay the fine, without admitting guilt.


  • Shinan Govani says:

    I bet he wouldn’t kick Jian outta the bed for eating crackers.

  • Anonymous says:

    Say it with me now Jian: “I only want young, white pussy”.

  • rrsexy on Twitter says:

    Is that really Poongirl? Writes like a he…maybe a gay he??

  • Twitter says:

    Who in their right mind would follow Jian, George or Jim Richard? Boorrringgg!!!

  • Sorry, I've been out of the loop.... says:

    What does this mean? Who is Amma?

    We heart @rockitpromo @debgee @jianghomeshi @amyverner @danjlevy we love Amma (8 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)

    • !@#$%^&*() says:

      I’m not really sure who she is, but I’m pretty sure that she looks a lot like Jian’s mom…

      • LMAO! says:

        Jian’s mom…ahhh, okay, makes sense why he only likes white women now.

        • PoonGirl says:

          I especially love how he tries to pretend he loves all types of women when you god damn know he only likes/hits on young white girls. Why not just be honest about it ?

          • Jian's love of the white race says:

            Honestly he told me he could never settle with a Persian woman (and we all know how he goes on and on about being a proud Persian) and most of the girls he’s dated have been blonde / blue-eyed.

          • Kit Kat says:

            I would have a lot more respect for Jian if he would just own up to his Playboy self.

        • PoonGirl says:

          I wish Jian would just be honest and stop pretending that he likes all types of women when you know he doesn’t. He just likes to date/flirt with white women but won’t admit it.

          • Jian's love of the white race says:

            It’s SO true. He’s got this act going where he’ll compliment women of all races but you see all the dates he brings to the events he goes to are all white women. If they are some other race, they have to be very light skinned with blue or green eyes.

          • PoonGirl says:

            It’s true, he only likes white girls – I wish he would just admit it. I could actually be attracted to him if he admited it, it would make me feel special. But he has to pretend like he’d date a chinese girl or a black girl when you damn well know his penis is white supremisist !

          • Kit Kat says:

            SOOOOOOO True!! And only the YOUNG white ones. He’s a total tease to Kelly, it’s kind of embarrassing. She thinks she has a chance. Not at all. He wants a baby mama, & she ain’t it. He wants a young, dumb, neatnik.

          • Melly Bailey says:

            I can’t ever see Jian being a dad. I know he says he wants children/a family but I can’t see that happening, if it does I’ll be shocked.

          • Anonymous says:

            Jian hates confrontation in a relationship, which is mostly what being a father/husband involves, so I don’t see it happening either. It’s also pretty messy, and he hates that too.

          • !@#$%^&*() says:

            Kids can be TORTURE. Sometimes it feels like they were BORN TO TORTURE YOU.

  • Anonymous says:

    Dear LA: there should be a legal limit on cologne per dude. Two tablespoons is too much. (44 minutes ago by @lights)

    Be nice, Lights. They may not have good personal hygiene & use cologne to make up for it. Surely, you can relate to that.

  • Listen. OK? Raymi is sort of slick. She’s not stupid. She’s good at getting folks over to her blog. So there is that. Strictly speaking she is not required to be a model of any particular virtue. She is a piss tank and until recently a real good dope smoker. That may not be the best example for the other impressionable young idiots who frequent her blog…

    Un-impressionable old idiots, like me, go to her blog because I am bored and stupid and enjoy the shit storm that happens when Raymi gets her knickers in a twist. Not anything I’m proud of, but on the other hand it’s the basis for a massive amount of internet and television so-called “reality” programming.

    Finally, Raymi often threatens to do some kind of other writing, one day. There is a sense that she may have some skill or gift that has legs. Not so sure about that. She’s funny sometimes. Really funny sometimes. Really fucking dull much of the time. I wish her well and hope she does not become some kind of internet Janis Joplin.

  • You are all psychotic douchebags says:

    That is all.

  • Lucas says:

    Good night dear friends, may your journeys in shittiness bring you much satisfaction.

  • Lucas says:

    You are all accomplished stalkers, I’m sure you’ll find me if you try rlly rlly hard.

  • Snore says:

    Lucas must be one of the winners that Raymi met on Plenty Of Fish.
    Those online dater-types never shut up about themselves.

    (Expecting a denial soon.)

  • cbc ottawa says:

    Thanks for stealing my moniker buddy! Real funny post

  • Anonymous says:

    Kelly’s faux-hippie act of redemption is pretty transparent, non?

    • Deepak Shakur says:

      Kelly and Debra Goldblatt suddenly finding spirituality the moment they’re hired to do PR for Amma? Nah. Not transparent at all.

  • Anonymous says:

    Speaking of the glory of love, Kelly’s back:
    Welcome back to Toronto, @peoplesrev! Surely you’re moving up to Canuckistan eventually… (about an hour ago by @jianghomeshi)

    Just what Toronto, needs. Another bitch.

  • Shes right, shammy says:

    you always talk about how very very busy you are, when in actuality you sit there googling yourself all night. the 300 comments are from people who DO NOT LKE YOU. hardly newsworthy and hardly anything to brag about.

  • jessica says:

    daily bugle headline: white trash flat chested schnoz walks across street:no one cares.

  • Holy Delusional says:

    Raymi just sounds dumber and more pathetic with every comment.

  • susan says:

    Raymi’s blog, in a sense, is her diary. Except that it’s online and public. She started writing and people started reading and following along. Are you telling me none of you have ever written about your own lives? People read it cos they are interested in her life, her writing, her. She’s been doing this since 2000, nearly everyday, so clearly, it’s working in her favor. There’s no reason to be hating her and ripping what you think you know about her life to shreds. Why don’t you people get over it, ever?

    • Anonymous says:

      My diary is not online because I don’t want the public scrutiny or consumption. I am not an exhibitionist. There is no option to comment on it. So why is Raymi being so sensitive? Her life IS public by HER choices!! Why complain? If she wants privacy, she just needs to stop taking blogging…easy!

      • susan says:

        You don’t want the public scrutiny yet you sit behind your computer dishing it out? Yes, it’s her choice, so why is everyone so bothered by the choice she made? Get over it.

        • Anonymous says:

          We’re not bothered by it. We’re making the comments as Raymi requested on her blog, just in different forum. We are giving her a forum to exorcise her demons, to give her the attention & drama she craves. Isn’t that what she and her mother wants?

      • raymi says:

        oh right so im not supposed to react to my mother being called a whore? if anyone was insensitive to re: mom hate then they’re scum. like you.

    • the truth about raymi says:

      the thing with blogging your diary, Raymi/ Susan, is that with blogging every cringeworthy detail of your life all over the interweb, you lose your right to privacy, not to mention that of your family and everyone else unfortunate enough to be involved with your hideous self. You’re a pretty nasty human, so why should we hold back on referencing things you’ve announced quite proudly?

      Also, the cries from your whipping boy, LUCAS, that our anonymity somehow undermines our opinions and observations of Raymi’s VERY public behavior is stupid. If a whistleblower calls bullshit on some piece of shit corporation, it doesn’t matter who the anonymous finger-pointer is. Get a grip!

      And insisting that we plaster the internets with personal detail about who we are and why we hate Raymi is ridiculous. Indeed, I know for a fact that she cyber stalked and sent hate emails to a female friend of mine. She has a history of mental health problems (many undiagnosed such as sociopathy; narcissism matched with crippling insecurity – all of which is a TOXIC mix) so I’m not surprised that people are fearful of being anonymous.

  • Keeping in in the family.... says:

    Raymi the self-described “Daddy’s girl” confided to one of her on-line blogging buds that her daddy and her had a “Mackenzie Phillips & John Phillips” relationship…care to address that Raymi? Pretty evident why she’s messed up folks!

    • raymi says:

      you’re sick and hilarious. if my father ever did anything to me inappropriate there is no chance in hell i would have anything to do with him. again, bravo for revealing how disgusting you are. i’m prettttty sure if i ever revealed anything of the sort it’d make the news as i cannot walk across the street without the daily bugle covering it.

  • raymi says:

    dude refill my wine when’s mel coming home

    • Hummmmmmmmm...... says:

      Maybe “Lucas” is really Raymi’s Daddy?????

      • Lucas says:

        Close! I’m her baby’s daddy, shhh, don’t tell the internet or Raymi.

        • And the award for "Biggest Loser" goes to....Lucas says:

          Lucas has been on here now for 2 and a half hours straight. It’s safe to say that all that “having a life” stuff was a bunch of horseshit.

  • raymi says:

    anyone can exist on the internet what the crap man, that’s your conclusion? i thought smart people hung out here?

    • Lucas says:

      Nono, I think these are the ones that got fired/rejected by the CBC, and now you know why.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, Raymi & Lucas. You want to shut everyone down who disagrees with you. Everyone.

      • Lucas says:

        No no not at all, disagree with me all you like.
        I’m just calling out the assholes, cowards, and scumbags in this mob, who would never have the guts to speak this heinous shit without the safety of their anonymity, like yourself for instance.
        There are many libelous, slanderous, and downright hateful statements being made in this thread.
        Those of you who want to gang up on people most of you have never met, with your shitmouthed barbs epitomize the internet at it’s worst.

        • Anonymous says:

          Anonymity puts the emphasis on the message, not the messenger. Not EVERYONE wants to be famous, Lucas. And even Raymi uses a nom-de-plume.

        • Show us how tough you really are, Lucas says:

          Take it to a higher level then, tough guy. Show us how tough you are. Go outside and pick a fight with someone. Why waste time being an internet tough guy when you can be one in real life? Do it now. Get Raymi to bring her camera. Walk the walk.

          • raymi says:

            well he would if you had the balls to show up and as if you all don’t deserve fat lips courtesy of lucas.

          • Try this says:

            Lucas’s posts are deeply moving if you’re listening to “Glory Of Love” by Peter Cetera while you read them.


          • Lucas says:

            Hai guys I’m back! But am doing work at the same time, is that OK for “having a life requirements”?

            @Try this LULZ! Big tune! So I’m guessing you’re a really awesome person in their lat 30s who get’s their thrills insulting women, nice work! Sorry that I don’t like seeing my friends getting insulted on the internet.

            @show us how… I would never do something like that, because that’s something steroid junkies, bullies, and assholes do, all things that I am not. That being said, unfortunately, I’ve got plenty of scars from not backing down from steroid junkies, bullies, and assholes who picked fights with me.

            @anonymous come the fuck on, that is such a weak defense. Iit’s not like her nom de plume hides who she is. Nor does it make it possible for her to attack people without them knowing who is making the statements (which as far as I know she doesn’t even do, another bull shit misconception in this thread).
            Also, who put her photo on here that started this whole waste of bandwidth? Not her.
            I imagine most of the anons on here are the same4 or 5 pathetic people who only feel better when they shit on someone with no threat of real world repercussions, and to what end? But, you know whatever helps you assuage your conscience.

          • Yep. I'm jackin' it! says:

            Sorry, could you repeat that? I wasn’t paying attention. I was too busy looking at this gif of Raymi’s mom flashing her ass.

          • Lucas says:

            Oh come on now, it couldn’t have taken you more than a minute. Seriously though, does unintentional celibacy lead to enlightenment? Or just anger towards women?

        • Holy Delusional says:

          Name one thing libelous. Most of the content of these comments was provided by raymi’s own admissions on her blog.

          • Anonymous says:

            Thanks, Lucas…hope you feel better when you shit on us with no threat of real world repercussions, and to what end? But, you know whatever helps you assuage your conscience….booyah!

  • Anonymous says:

    So….to recap: Raymi is the only person allowed to exist on the internet. Do not make any comments. We must all go drink at bars & have a “real life”. Kay, byeeeee!

  • Say goodbye to your dick says:

    Lucas appears to be auditioning to be the next Phil….or Dave….or the guy that she blew in the bathroom….

    • Lucas says:

      Yeah, I don’t think my wife would like that very much.

    • Better his than mine says:

      It’s sad to see a man work so hard for skank pussy when all that he had to do was give her 5 bucks and a ride to the Go Train.

      • Lucas says:

        If you think this is hard work, you’ve obviously never done hard work. This is fun, I love you guys, you affirm my belief that shitty, cowardly, pathetic fucks like yourselves have nothing to say, and are totally repressed and angry about your premature ejaculatory issues.

  • Anonymous says:

    A Globe and Mail photographer captures Raymi in her element.

    For you cave dwellers, 26-year-old Toronto “blogebrity” (who even says that?) Lauren White has been running her widely read personal blog since “before you even knew how to attach a photo in email” (says her Twitter). From the time she was seventeen, she’s been amassing a mega intense army of followers—and just as intense army of haters—by chronicling the minutiae of her everyday life like it was her job. For those who follow along, it’s easy to feel like her biographer with all the needless details you absorb (didja know she’s related to Jack Kerouac?) and all the scene-y events you notice her at (where you pretend not to recognize her then check her blog the next day to see if you were in any of her photos). For others, it’s impossible to pinpoint the blog’s appeal, aside from the voyeurism it provides with little to no censorship. But love or hate her, when was the last time you broke up with your boyfriend only to have it covered by everyone from Eye Weekly (Kate Carraway, natch) to the Globe and Mail (with mandatory quote from subculture profiteer Hal Niedzviecki)? That’s the bizarro situation Raymi has found herself in (culminating in the Globe writer writing about it again to fend off threats of flaming dog shit from her loyal kingdom). Rather than us add to the weird discourse about someone so “uninteresting” that everyone keeps fricking writing about her, we thought we’d let her respond.

    If my non-news isn’t news, why do major outlets continue adding to the coverage?

    I very much agree with Kate Carraway’s epithet regarding a blogger’s high-quotient of (seemingly) undue bragging, though I feel she misses the point slightly, negatively and hypocritically so. Some bloggers (I, for one) are trying to make it. There is more to it than the cascade of here is my new jacket, here is a hamburger I ate, here I am wasted in a bar, here is my blah blah blah photos. That’s called filler. The question to know the answer to, or demand rather, is why the fuck should I care about a (scoff) blogger at all? I don’t know, why are you writing about me? Writers want to be famous too, no? What part of the picture are you missing?

    We all know what blogging is. We all know for every website there is a Twitter account, a Facebook account. We know there are invisible fluorescent red desperation arrows floating around a blogger’s monitor, so in the small town what is Toronto we do not acknowledge that we read them. We barely make mention of them, how uncool would that be, and for the same token we never acknowledge when something good happens for the people we follow, or bad. I was never allowed to say, “Guess what, I’M HUUGE!” (whether fact or fiction), you just don’t do that in Canadiana, and you don’t dare ever whisper of any intent of becoming so either. Then, if and when it happens, you still shut up about it lest you jinx it. When shit is flung, you have to pretend you don’t care. You must return from whence you came, no big deal zone. It’s so easy in Toronto to just dismiss everything and everyone. People fiercely love or hate something in Toronto. I am one of those somethings.

    I have been largely ignored yet secretly followed, pursued, for years. I am constantly second-guessing everything I share (I am even afraid to be typing this post right now because I know the comment suicide Torontoist can bring), but I do it anyway because I believe that it is good and appreciated and unique. Why does this post even exist at all? Who am I? To me the real story here—the big picture—is that ten years ago no one knew what a fucking blog even was, or why someone would share so much online. And now, ten years later, a national newspaper is on my case for not sharing enough.

    Photo by d.summerfield.
    Here’s the story in stunted form (interviewers love timelines, helps them catch up):

    I’m twenty-six. Started my blog when I was seventeen. Steadily, deliberately, controversially attempted to show trainwreck lifestyle with world. Exhibitionism inspired by, VICE and Toronto’s pre-hipster/mod scene (though none of us were mods, Mod Club at Lava lounge was the place to pretend to not want to be every Wednesday). Secretly worked as online model (webcam, live chat) while blogging at 19, living in Little Italy. Nudity from secret job inspires more exhibitionism, upping ante on blog. Show tits on blog, blog explodes. First wave of blogging trend hits the rest of world about the same time (2002/3). I pre-date that (from 2000), therefore am considered a pioneer. Went to head, also did not care, steamrolled through the rest of youth doing crazy things and showing it all on the internet. Eventually would be pigeon-holed into tits-for-hits blog, nipples become a big deal and never not get mentioned since. Always defending with excuses of art and rambly prose. Basically, my blog stood out. It was good shit, and bad. Its readership steadily grows, is consistent. Known for caustic sometimes overly defensive tone and overall penchant for flame warring, posting scathing replies to frequent hate comments/emails which I make use of for material. Am touted with, “fuck me? fuck you,” attitude. Villainous demeanor takes on force of its own.

    Breakdown, leave city at age of twenty, return to ‘burbs for one year. Get caught up in more scandalous life pissing awayness. Eventually cut the shit, meet guy who is to be next boyfriend of five years. Some say falling in love kills a blog. Document, chart, show new life. Move back to city to condo. Have been with guy for three years at this point. Blog wins awards. Known around Toronto, but kind of have a geek-sheen cast plus a bit of a snub here and there from the “cool” kids. Blogs received little to no bearing in real world then, though online readership, fans, whatever, continue to prosper. Total headfuck being so “well-known” online, and silently around town. They know you but they don’t let you know they know you.

    Perks begin to roll in as bloggers begin to receive more recognition and clout as viable sources for product placement (tastemaking). Stature increases. Blog benefits. More events, more blog posts showcasing them. Two years go by spent entirely drunk (and hung). Tire of events, tire of the entire scene. Begin to feel shallow and empty. Become unhappy. Attempt to cover that up via frivolous means. Outfits, things, booze. Disconnect from everything. Relationship ends. Leave. Multiple reasons why. It was tough, it really was and I’m presently still a mess but ultimately feel it was the right choice. We both benefit(ed) from this relationship, as shitty it is to even mention that. I don’t know if we will be friends, but I do know that you have no idea what it feels like to have a massive pack of people watching all of it unfold, pushing for more dirt, pretending to give a shit, or giving one.

    There has been a lot of support and I am entirely grateful for it. This is another blogging perk when you connect with people, they connect back. They reveal to you the most personal of things, it’s awing.

    As for now I’m overwhelmed. And taking advantage of the media attention, but it makes me feel mental and sort of a different person dealing with someone else’s life.

    So why after all this should you be made to care? I dunno. All I did was start a blog, guy. Seems all the uninteresting and banal shit I upload to the intershits is interesting after all. Oh, and because I wanted you to care. I made you care. Thanks for stopping by.

  • PoonGirl says:

    And bad = bar ! Haha.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Raymi met George at a bad and George hugged her and told her she was pretty. What a tangled web of love for George I am weaving :(

  • Anonymous says:

    Acoustic EP comes out Tues! It’s only a few $$ so please support and don’t download it for free. Your pocket change keeps us alive! Lol (8 minutes ago by @lights)

    How ironic that LIGHTS! becomes a victim of her own love of technology. Everyone is downloading her EP for free!

    • Egads!!! says:

      She’s cyber-begging for “pocket change”! Holy shit that’s pathetic! Even Raymi doesn’t do that! EEP!

  • Anonymous says:

    For the record, Raymi had good reason to cheat on Phil you fucking reeeeetards she was drunk, HELLLLO!!!!!!!!

  • anonymous says:

    Oh please you hypocrites! Like none of you have cheated on your boyfriend with his best friend!

  • Anonymous says:

    According to the articles written about it at the time, Raymi left Phil for Phil’s friend Dave Summerfield. So shocked that it didn’t work out between them……

  • lyndsey says:

    This whole conversation is pathetic. I feel bad for most of you, how old are ALL of you on here being gossipy 14 year olds. Seriously. Get the fuck over yourselves, it’s tired and boring. Everyone, stop acting like idiots, your embarrassing yourselves.

    • Uh, no? says:

      It fucking rules.

    • hehehahahoho says:

      This would be a better example of someone embarrassing themselves. Check it out. She puts “VERIFIED ACCOUNT” on her Twitter account but she doesn’t have the Verified Account Twitter Badge because Twitter wont let her have one because she’s a nobody.

      • Linsey Love says:

        Her biggest claim to fame is knowing Yawn Ghomeshi. Woopie fucking doo!! She’s a nobody, I’d rather discuss Raymi as sad as it is to admit that.

      • CYBERCUNT says:

        Anyone on Twitter has the middle name “Embarrassing”.
        “Verified Account” just makes you an even bigger douche.

  • Wonderboy's body says:

    Isn’t Jian 5’11”???????

  • PhilPhilPhil says:

    What a f*€king hottie!!!! <3

  • Jian says:

    Serious question: Is he a packi?

    • Clint Oris says:

      I think so. He’s from one of those countries that starts with a P. He says it all the time. I think it’s Pakistan.

  • POF says:

    Does Phil have an account? He doesn’t look like the type that would need a dating site but I’m just curious.

  • jessica says:

    The only thing that Raymi could do that would actually surprise anyone:

    -volunteer somewhere outside of her local bars/restaurants

    ( and no, this doesnt mean galas with giftbags that she slams on her blog)

    -tell us what she learned today ( i dont mean about herself)

    -be a little philanthropic sometimes, instead of just always focusing on her! her ! her!

    but let’s face it, she will always be a self centered brat who can’t help herself, let alone anyone else.

    • Carrie Whack says:

      She needs to grow up and stop acting like an immature idiot. Also, I don’t know why she’s so proud of the fact that (according to her) she left Phil. Seems like a dumb move on her part.

  • the truth about raymi says:

    – claims she found a “niche market” at 17 and attempted to capitalise on it. In truth, she found an outlet where she could stoke the fires of her insane narcissism and delusion that she is SPECIAL and has TALENT.

    – a horrible, hideous, and negative human. She is unbelievably insecure but also prone to delusions of grandeur. She fluxiates between the two and attempts to quell her insecurity but being a c*nt to fellow females (via her blog, of course); which is why it is endearing that Raymi takes to this forum as “anonymous” and Mackee or whateverthefuck to defend herself and call out others for being anonymous.

    • Anonymous says:

      “tap into a niche market” = translation : signed up for an account on She seems to forget that she’s not getting paid, which nullifies the “market” part of the equation. What she’s doing isn’t any more “tapping into a niche market” than the billions of other people that sign up for Blogger, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

      “Delusions of grandeur” hits the nail on the head. She’s a sad by-product of the unreality of the internet. A bartender that can’t even afford a car and crashes at friends or parents pads and begs, borrows and steals her way through life, thinks that she’s accomplished something impressive……simply by having an internet connection.

  • Yugo Girl says:

    I agree with Raymi. The only people pathetic enough to frequent her blog are dirty old men and losers with no lives. Who else would find a boring, 27-year old, uneducated, bartender whose week consists of taking the Go Train to her parents to mooch off them, serving drinks 2 days a week and occasionally flashing her little boy titties interesting?

  • anonymous says:

    Off topic, but do all Canadian chicks have hideously flat tits?

  • Makcee says:

    shutupshutupshutup. you people are fucked in the head. stop making war

    • Team Phil says:

      Hi Makcee. What up with the dyke haircut and saggy tits?

      • :-o says:

        Her tits are almost at her knees! LMFAO!

      • "Fried eggs hanging from a nail" tits says:

        Is this another one of Raymi’s delusional friends who thinks that men whacking off to images of her?

      • Lucas says:

        Hey Team Phil, you know what’s hilarious? She’s actually a friend of Phil’s IRL.
        You know what’s not hilarious? Being a homophobic, misogynistic prick.

        Also, this amazing lady does actual real community work that helps people improve their lives. You on the other hand? A sad little person with no one to play with but your fellow scumbags. What’d you get up to last night? Oh you were at home?
        Too bad, we went to this really awesome fundraiser with a bunch of gays and straights, everybody danced. Then we hung out on a rooftop in Kensington Market with a bunch of friends til 3 or 4 AM drinking beers and tequila. Should’ve given us a shout.


    Can someone link to her post where she’s bragging about stealing some guy’s wallet while blowing him in a public restroom?

    That one warms my small, dark heart.


    “massive media trickle down effect”


    in Canada?

    “niche market”?

    a blog?


    • i love this says:

      I love how she thinks that if someone doesn’t like her then they are obviously losers with no lives.

      This is why most people do not like you dear:
      because you are quick to judge and slooooower to learn.
      you can’t accept criticism for anything and instantly go into bitch mode
      You always have to last word in everything.
      everything you show everyone is what makes so many hate you.
      didn’t your mommy ever sit you down and teach you that you won’t always be the center of attention, that some of your friends will end up not liking you.
      You cant dance. it’s just a lot of toeing around the house and throwing your hair. no rhythm. stiff, no emotion.
      You can’t make everyone love you. and when you’re so nasty to everyone who has opinions you go after them hardcore.

      • FACT says:

        Her mommy is all over the interweb in her underwear holding a champagne glass and trying to look young and coy and talking about her cameltoe. So, uh, no?

        • Do bloggers go to heaven? says:

          For those who have never seen Raymi’s mom’s blog, I’ll sum it up for ya :

          “I’m related to Jack Kerouac”
          “I’m related to Jack Kerouac”
          “I’m related to Jack Kerouac”
          “I’m related to Jack Kerouac”
          “I’m related to Jack Kerouac”

  • anonymous says:

    Wait. Did she just play the Fellow Canadian card?


  • fop says:

    your “hobby” has obviously gotten you somewhere hasn’t it? haha. so you’re saying ALL these anonymous comments are all lame dudes who used to like you? get the fuck over yourself, it’s getting really sad.


  • raymi says:

    Hypocrites. You care more for some anonymous deceptive lame guy I went on a date with whose identity will never be revealed so it doesn’t matter what I say about him. You give a fuck about him really? Meanwhile trashing me another human being to pieces. Your lack of support for your fellow canadians trying to make it is tytpical and boring but most of all dissappointing. When I left fil the globe and fucking mail covered it then a massive media trickledown effetc ensued. If I was a nobody like the rest of you sooeys trolls no one would care. Sorry it didn’t occcur to you to tap into a niche market when you were seventeen.

    My gravatar logs me as me here I haven’t commented as anyone other than myself.

    I’m walking home while typing this, do you have any idea what it feels like to read a thread of hateful lies about yourself on a saturday early evening wheb you’re already depressed out of your fucking mind? This has gone on for days now maybe you should, dunno, get a new hobby?

  • wgas? wgaf? says:

    Is there something more to this Raymi person that I’m not seeing? She comes across as nothing more than a dumb useless twat bartender trying to spread her name all over the internet. Is there a reason why I should give a shit about this person?

  • Anonymous says:

    You guys should know better than to rag on somebody’s MOM. Shame on you.

  • cyber bullying! says:

    just leave everyone alone! jian, raymi, lights. why is everyone being so mean?? and the plastic surgery stuff, seriously? shouldn’t we be commending women that feel good about themselves and their bodies rather than beating them down and telling them something’s wrong with them for not looking like a barbie?

    • Enough Already!!!! says:

      I wish you people would stop talking about Raymi because everytime you bring up her name I picture her face and body and I’m really grossed out. I’m sorry, but I just don’t like seeing or thinking about gross people so stop talking about Raymi!

  • seriously says:

    imagine if you guys had anonymous commenters constantly ragging on you for every little thing you did. who cares if raymi post pictures of herself? DON’T LOOK AT THEM. it’s pretty simple. but it’s probably your only source of entertainment in your dull lives. grow up, go outside, say something nice to someone. now it’s time for all of you to freak out and say i’m contradicting myself by arguing you should leave raymi alone “why can’t she just not read our comments blah blah blah”

    • blah blah blah says:

      Seriously, Raymi. Why are you using an alias to defend yourself?

      P.S. : Nose and boob job. Ask Phil to lend you the money.

      • Anonymous says:

        The thing that I don’t get about Raymi’s body is how she has all this body fat – especially in the waist and hips – but has such small tits. It just looks so gross.

      • No T 'n' A for Raymi says:

        Raymi doesn’t have a very nice body so she tries to look more interesting by getting tattoos. Poor thing.

  • coolestpersonhere says:


  • Raymi the hypocrite says:

    Raymi is the definition of someone who can dish it out but can’t take it. Almost everything that she writes on her blog is snarky, nasty shit directed at oblivious targets. Total coward – always says shit behind someone’s back. Like her date last night. She never picks a fight with someone capable of fighting back because she’s a chickenshit. She thinks that she can criticize whoever she wants but when someone criticizes her she whines like a baby. Too bad, so sad, bitch.

  • ........ says:

    What I don’t like about Jian is if you’re not impressed with who he meets or his lifestyle or his stories he’ll make out like you should be lucky to know him or if you don’t swoon enough over him, he’ll say you’re cold & distant….

  • Yup says:

    CBC = Celebrate the Bastardization of Context.

  • Shelly M. says:

    You people make me sick. Everyone’s so brave behind their anon comments eh? None of you would have the balls to say boo face to face. You fat fucks sit at your screens wacking off to images of chicks like Raymi, then you write cruel shit on the internet. LOSERS!! Nothing like mob mentality.

    And the mother comments? Seriously? Go home and hug your mother, and look her in the eyes and tell her what a fucktard you are

    • Anonymous says:

      Is “Raymi” her REAL name? Booyah!

    • Is this Raymi's mom? says:

      “wacking off to images of chicks like Raymi” – flat chested, big nosed, manly looking women? Yeah, that’s just my type. And when I can’t cum from looking at Raymi I go and look at old pictures of Joey Ramone….that usually works.

    • Glass Houses says:

      Shelly M(oron), speaking of people that “write cruel shit on the internet”, did you happen to catch any of Raymi’s tweets last night about her date (while she was on the date)?

      And speaking of mothers, did you read that Raymi ditched her date with her mother last night?

  • anonymous says:

    In 10 more years, Raymi will be her mother in 10 years. Another bottle blond man-user, “pay my bills and I give you sucky sucky”, exhibitionist nothing who never amounted to anything but a washed up whore. Neither of them can exist without some snatch-hungry man kissing buying them presents. The old lady posts lingerie pics on her own blog, so what kind of mama could she have been to tragic little webcam Raymi? The funniest thing about Raymi is her always insisting she’s young and hot.

    • !@#$%^&*() says:

      Raymi’s mother has a blog with lingerie pics of herself on it? ROFL

      What the fuck is wrong with that family? What a fuckin’ freak show!

      • Anonymous says:

        No wonder poor Raymi has eating issues. Food=nurturing, and her mother sounds a like narcissist who couldn’t nurture a plant, let alone another human being. Paging Dr. Phil!!

  • Closure says:

    How is Raymi gonna find a man now?

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s a shame that she closed her account when she still had “2 roses that can be sent”. What a waste.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe this is all part of her giving up marijuana.

      I didn’t know she smoked it: 2,000,000 blog posts & photos, and not one of a joint? I guess she’s smart enough not to share everything.

  • Poongirl says:

    What happened to her?

    • Hmmmmmm.... says:

      I was wondering the same thing. Maybe she’s joined the Stroubopli (however it’s spelled)? After all, George is her first love.

  • Bubble Writing Girl says:

    Does anyone believe some young 20-something girl was writing Jian love letters? That sounds like another one of Jian’s “see how many girls want me that I reject” stories. He told me a funny one before he had to break it off with one girl because she wasn’t as “sexual” as him and that his penis size was an “issue” — LMAO! Too Big, so he claims.

    • Anonymous says:

      “It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean.” Maybe his motion was like a tsunami.

    • Anonymous says:

      No wonder celebrities don’t want to date Jian. Kiss & Tell much, buddy?

    • Hmmmmmm.... says:

      I never believed the bubble writing girl story. Or the one about crowds forming around him when he’d go out after BBT or people recognizing him in remote parts of Europe and all the other lies that he told in that article.

    • Anonymous says:

      #1 lie men tell women – “I have a really big dick”
      #1 lie women tell men – “You have a really big dick”

  • Wonderboy69?????? says:

    Anyone know Jian’s name on Plenty Of Fish? Is it “Wonderboy69 – a youthful, middle-aged English-British-Persian-Iranian-Canadian male looking for intimate encounters with 18-21 year old females”?

    • Anonymous says:

      Jian uses Facebook as a dating site.

      • Anonymous says:

        So THAT’S why he won’t friend me….

      • ............. says:

        Makes sense. It’s been alleged that the true story of how Jian met Lights when she was 14 is that he came across her via internet chat/messaging. Which is much more believable that the fantasy concoction that he has talent scouts on the lookout at Wal-Marts across Canada or whatever the ridiculous ever-changing “Jian discovers Lights” back-story is now.

        • Anonymous says:

          I don’t know WHAT to believe about the Lights/Jian story anymore. There is so much bull**it to wade thru. They met at a Wal-Mart audition. No, they met at a Folk Festival. No, Jian’s friend gave him her tapes & he had to meet her. No, he dated her. No, he manages her. Both of them have a problem with authenticity & reality.

          • Anonymous says:

            I don’t know which is weirder….Jian pursuing 14 year old Valerie or Valerie responding to 34 year old Jian.

          • .............. says:

            but he was only 24, not 34…ever changing age and all.

          • Hmmmmmm.... says:

            It’s possible that as a result of whatever transpired between them over the internet back then, Lights or her missionary parents backed Jian into a corner where he had no choice but to become her “manager”. Can anyone explain his over the top hyperbole back in 2003 when she hadn’t yet written or recorded anything? : ” i’ve signed a new artist named VALERIE who is the best thing in rock/pop music since PETER FRAMPTON came alive.”


            It was 5 years later (with the help of a co-writer) that she finally had enough material for a 6 song EP. And we’ve all heard her weak singing voice. Jian blowing smoke up everyones ass back in 2003 and making claims of “managing” her for so long is very suspicious in light of the fact that she isn’t the least bit prolific a writer and is an average singer at best and only started making music (needing lots of help to do it) in 2008.

          • Anonymous says:

            Not to mention the fact that Lights is more interested in playing video games and reading comics than producing music. She isn’t really interested in music at all….

          • Anonymous says:

            In 2001 Jian wasn’t working for the CBC and Moxy Fruvous had broken up and he would soon need a job/cash which led him to his job at the CBC. There’s really no actual evidence of him “managing” her until 2003 which is when he announced on that he signed her. So why do they always say 2001? Is that the year when they first met online?

  • Anonymous says:

    @GlobalRealityTV Let’s hang on Monday at the SHERATON – I will be in TO with www. – 10am – 6pm – LOve is her religion – 4 REAL (7 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)

    @EmmaSaidWhat I love @huffingtonpost and @youtube – its’s fucking direct – straight shot 24/7 365 overdrive kelly said what?! (9 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)

    hilarious contradiction between kelly’s feel good hippie-love vibe & her hell-kell bitch self….bipolar much kelly?

    • Anonymous says:

      Amma “love religion” is a shamma if she hangs with a hatemonger like Kelly Cuntrone.

      • Anonymous says:

        …or if Amma hired Kelly for PR. What kind of a guru hires someone for PR? Ick.

        • Anonymous says:

          Great! The Amma show is attracting people who call themselves @thevulva AND @KPappsmear. That’s not going to be weird AT ALL!

  • Anonymous says:

    I feel bad for her date. She literally tweeted every minute.

  • raymi says:

    I hate you all.

    • LOSER!! says:

      LOL!!!!!!!!! She’s SO fucking hard up!

    • Attn : Allan says:

      “i bartend a few nites a week, it is the first “real” job i have had in many years. i am addicted to the cash also it’s nice to be around people who are my own age or younger. i forget my age sometimes because i typically exclusively go for hot geezers. i collect older men because i am a daddy’s girl.”

    • ROFL says:


  • Caitlin Cronenberg says:

    Is another one of Jian’s dream girls that he can’t get…..

  • Eileen Dover says:

    I don’t know Raymi in real life but I’ve read her blog, followed her tweets and we’ve exchanged convos here and there. She is down to earth, honest and way more interesting than all you haters and stalkers. Why do you know so much about her anyway? You must read her blog, or hell, possibly subscribe to her posts?! Get a life and leave her alone. She can talk about what she wants to talk about and sometimes it’s about a cute top or guy she saw, a new recipe she tried, something strange or even news tidbits. Why not focus on another Canadian blogger who’s really a TRY-HARD? His name is Zack Taylor ( A Perez Hilton wannabe who is as Hollywood as a Jewish Justin Timberlake lookalike from Thornhill can be. Ugh! Or how about some totally self-absorbed American bloggers like Rumi Neely (, Jane Aldridge (, Celine Ouaknine-Soto ( or the totally rando and weird lesbian midget Tavi??????
    What was the main point of this article again??

  • raymi says:

    Fuckbrain I left him and I never sponged off him you nothing piece of shit!

    • Phil's no longer broke....since he dumped Raymi says:

      It’s funny that with all of your supposed fame & fortune & efforts at being a part of the Toronto club/bar scene, you’re now reduced to using internet dating sites to find a man! You fail at life.

      • POF? says:

        Raymi is on dating sites? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

        • Mos Definitely says:

          “it’s been awhile since we’ve made fun of me to my face together so here’s the garbage i put on my dating profile that i’ve decided to take down for the time being or just straight ignore until i do. messages keep piling up, i don’t know how to change my photos which is half the fun of it like on facebook or blogging i am constantly evolving looking hotter or not hotter and not being able to show dudes this is irritating. i have not looked at one other girl’s profile so i don’t know what the competition is like though i hear they all suck compared to mine. shit like I LOVE TO LAUGH. please. as with everything i do in life i half-assed my profile.

          anyway i feel like in the short time i’ve tried this out there’s just been too many duds, not that they’re duds just no chemistry. how many dates did i go on? 4 5? i have some great stories i’ll share another time. so here’s my laying it on super thick advertorial, bold is my afterthoughts commentary to you guys:

          I am Seeking a

          Long term

          Do you drink?
          Socially more like epicly

          Marital Status

          Writer (a real one)(as in paid), bartender, artist the writer thing is irritating cos the guys pretend to be all interested and then we have to discuss it and it goes all hipster artist music art scene and so on. snore.

          Some college lied

          Do you want children?

          Do you do drugs?
          No so lied

          Do you have children?

          Do you have a car?


          nice wine no broke motherfuckers
          oldies tunes
          all the right movies also annoying cos then they ask to see how quirky or film-buffy i am. guy who cares?
          tom waits
          good times
          travel fly me somewhere
          health and debauchery you can be a fuck up as long as you feel guilty about it

          ok get ready to laugh

          About Me

          Clever, quick-witted cross between zoey deschanel i am weird and beautiful? and my mother she will love that but yeah, my mother is incredibly nurturing as much as she drives me insane she’s solid and so am i, well i could be if i needed to be, hahah ugh exactly. Somewhat of a serial monogamist I WANT A FUCKING BOYFRIEND, first time being single in ages by choice, first time making a go at this dating site thing also i am not a loser. Was engaged last year, left fiance after being together five years. i have to stop telling people this but i felt it was an important thing to mention like i’m worthy enough to be considered marriage material looking for more out of life i’m bored lets do this, enjoy the simpler things as well as spur of the moment indulgences. work hard i am busy, play hard i party and look good while doing it no uglies. Into closeness smothering the shit out of you, and building a life with someone you will be pussy whipped. Experiences are so much more enriching when shared with a partner fact. Am good for long periods of time spent together but also understand the importance of space read: when you’re being a crabby piece of shit i will let you think that i am the problem not you so go read the paper in the park and get the fuck out of the house your passive aggression makes me want to puke. I like to ride my bike or amble across the city on foot on my days off listening to music in the sun BAKED. going out to nice restaurants that you will take me to, dancing, patios, hanging out in the park on blankets, reading, doesn’t matter ultimately it’s the company that matters. I love music too but am no music snob by any means, it doesn’t define me could care less we all know this by now. I’m a pretty creative cook, fearless i have fucked up eating issues. I love animals. debt-free, kid-free, ready to rock you can have kids cos i don’t? just turned twenty seven i will be saying this until the night before my 28th birthday. Oh i love movies and live music and live sports only if drinking is included I like cottaging please have access to one. I can be equal parts princess trophy girlfriend and dirtbag sometimes i don’t shower. i’m into pubs i can hang with the guys and fine dining you better be too. put me anywhere and i will make it fun i am a hyper spazz.

          this next part was the afterthought because i started reading guy’s profiles and saw how much everyone was fluffing up their steeze so i felt i should bring it a little more.

          essentially, i set out to make myself famous ten years ago and carved out a specific little niche, successfully. don’t really want to advertise it on here, trying to get by on looks and charm alone, for once. basically i’m a smart one, a lucky one. maybe i’ll tell you about it someday.

          and then there’s this little wacky part you fill out.

          First Date

          on our first date i’d suggest a handful of options or let you figure it all out you’re paying. somewhere atmospheric, cozy. once i get over nerves if i like you i’ll probably demand to squeeze your leg or something affectionate grope the shit out of you more-like so you better be into PDAs otherwise piss off. i’m a secret romantic though can be shy about it. i can know a person my entire life and still have moments of shy around them i am adorable. once we decide that there’s mutual chemistry between us the rest pretty much just writes itself. we can hang out on a dumpster doesn’t matter we’re in lust.

          i dance like something you’ve never experienced before. a little motown, old timey funk, with great rhythm i will school you. not to brag or anything but i’m that girl your friends hate you for getting to first guys love competition and the thought of their friend having something before them makes them sick. manipulation tactic.

          basically i feel like anyone on a dating site is a loser. me included. the worst part about going on dates is seeing hotter tail cruising on by when you’re in the middle of being stuck in an hour or so long meeting. i am way too polite. meredith was right, the guy for you is not on the internet. he’s in the park not talking to you because he’s a fucking idiot.”

        • Lucas says:

          WHOAZ people on dating sites? On the superinformationhighway? Holy shit, who’dve thunk it? WHAT A CRAAAAZY world we’re living in. I guess you’re more of a Now Personals type of person huh? Keep it old school homie.

  • Anonymous says:

    Could someone please explain why exhibitionists complain when they receive negative comments? Isn’t any attention good attention? Don’t you love the drama, Raymi? Is Raymi YOUR real name?

  • Anonymous says:

    Just cleaned the bathroom, and… well it’s been a while. Every time I saw myself in the mirror I was doing this >:{ (about an hour ago by @lights)

    Guess that’s why Lights doesn’t live with Jian the Neatnik.

  • raymi says:

    Reeeeetards hi! I am not a fucking waitress, I bartend like two days a week cos I am able to support my bloody self from my failure of a blog also I’m young and pleasing-looking enough to be hired as a server, are any of you? And no I have not moved to burlington, I visit my father weekly because I am a good daughter.

  • Makcee says:

    The thing is she doesn’t dish it. She’s not writing nasty comments, or tearing others’ lives to shreds for shits and giggles. She talks about her feelings and her life. Many people who read her can relate to the things that she openly discusses. Many people have thanked her over the years for being so candid; many have said that she helped them through a tough time. So you’re wrong and she’s the bigger person here.
    She doesn’t have to “hack it” when it comes to flaming; that’s like saying that we should all just accept the worst from each other. The internet does not have to be like this. But hey, if you need an outlet for your hatred, what better place is there than the comments section.

  • Makcee says:

    Raymi’s a friend, a talented writer and dear to my heart. She blogs, so what? Thousands read her posts every month. Do you think any of you could be that compelling? Try it. It’s extraordinary what vitriol comes with anonymity. Why don’t you publish your names, your workplaces and your pictures; let’s be fair. You’re making fun of her for waitressing? What kind of classist nonsense is that? OH, you’re all rich from your blood-sucking professions. Well Thanks for doing your part to ruin society and life on earth. Fuck you all.

    • Anonymous says:

      999 of those people read it to laugh at her pathetic attempt at making herself “famous” after 10 years of showing everything she has to offer. She’s pretty much milk for free now, no one will “buy” into her.She dishes it (hate) daily but can’t hack it.

      • hear, hear! says:

        so are you promoting censorship? we should all gush enthusiastically over this poor woman’s blog and encourage her self-abuse? if you were such a good friend, you would encourage her to get help.

        • Makcee says:

          don’t gush over it if you don’t like it. But on the topic of getting help, why does it make you so upset? Maybe you need to talk this out with a therapist or something.

        • Lucas says:

          How do you infer censorship from Makcee’s statement? So much brain power at work in these anonymous comments, it’s astounding.

  • Anonymous says:

    @mondoville I am holding my breath for the upcoming ‘Toronto Life’ “How To Blog” symposium. (2 minutes ago by @petermansbridg)

    Will Raymi the Minx be there with inspirational tips on how to blog for 10 years?

  • Too True! says:

    Some cultures believe photographs steal the soul. Maybe Raymi/Lights prove this?

    • Anonymous says:

      Raymi’s best line in that blogspiel of hers was when she said “they think i’m an ex-fuck of jian’s.” – a woman that takes pictures of herself pissing and shitting and posts them on the internet is horrified at the idea of people thinking that she’s an ex-fuck of Jian’s!

    • marvingaye says:

      she hasn’t had a soul since picture # 304507. everyone the same planned out shot of her bad makeup applications and eating disorder rants.

  • Anonymous says:

    Addictive app of the day: Flight Control HD. My record is landing 96 flights. Get ready for guilt every time you cause a crash. (4 minutes ago by @lights)

    Is LIGHTS in training in case the music career doesn’t work out? (or if she & Jian break up?)

    • hehehahahoho says:

      I’m sure it’s comforting to Jian that Lights is tweeting about a plane crash while he’s 30,000 feet up in the air.

  • Anonymous says:

    Kelly is more interested in PR for herself than her clients…which is why she is attaching herself to a love guru: Amma.

  • Anonymous says:

    Kelly Cuntrone sacrificing whatever credibility she has left :

    • Agreed says:

      Yes Ryan. Please take Jian off our hands. We’ve been subsidizing his sorry ass for too long. And take Lights as well (they’re a package deal).

  • Oh No!!!!! says:

    Raymi’s so mad that she’s probably gonna post a whole bunch of really bad quality titty pictures of herself.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or maybe some more pictures of herself on the toilet? Or does she only do that when she’s happy?

      • Anonymous says:

        You think maybe Raymi has “bathroom issues”? How come so many of her pictures are of her in a bathroom or going to the bathroom?

      • Just sayin' says:

        When a waitress-blogger starts posting pictures of herself going to the bathroom on her blog, it’s a pretty good sign that she’s run out of material.

        • Anonymous says:

          Another fame whore that thinks she fucking interesting….

        • Anonymous says:

          How old is this retard?

          • The life of blogger Raymi : a cautionary tale says:

            She claims to be 27 but looks closer to 37 and her blog goes back to November of 2000. That’s pretty hardcore loser spectacular right there. Maybe if she spent the last 10 years of her life doing something other than obsessively blogging about herself she would have amounted to something more substantial than a waitress……

          • Anonymous says:

            I feel sorry for her pathetic life: lost, clinically depressed, self-medicating with alcohol….sad.

          • ^^^^^ says:

            She’d be a good case study on the rewards of blogging about one’s self for 10 years, which appears to be none. Unless you think that mental illness and living on tips is a good thing? :0

          • ou812 says:

            Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Raymi move back to Burlington recently because she couldn’t afford to live in Parkdale anymore? ROFL

          • Anonymous says:

            That must’ve quite the adjustment for her (taking pictures of herself in Burlington restrooms instead of Toronto ones).

          • Anonymous says:

            Raymi proves that you can be famous without being rich OR happy.

          • hehehahahoho says:

            ….or talented.

          • Indeed says:

            Raymi = Lights if she didn’t meet Jian when she was 14

          • Too True! says:

            Great observation! They ARE both obsessed with themselves! And are always have their pictures taken & posting it on the internet.

  • Lindsey Love says:

    Is Jain’s publicist.

    So, what kind of a job do you think she’s doing?

    • Anonymous says:

      And Debra Goldblatt too. And Kelly Cutrone (when he was paying her).

      Lindsey think’s that she’s going to be a famous writer now….another one of Jian’s “friends” who was using him for career advancement.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ashley always claims to be his “best” friend. She kind of looks like Mr. Ed when she smiles.

      • imyaR says:

        Notice how all of Jian’s “friends” & associates & people that give him the time of day (like barmaid/blogger Raymi) are all a bunch of wannabes & fame whores? They can’t get anywhere on their own, so they cling to Jian & sponge off his ‘fame’.

        • Anonymous says:

          His real friends are smart enough to stay out of camera range.

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s so true! His friends (the ones that his own age) are never really seen, it’s just the wannabes. That says it all, really.

          • Anonymous says:

            *are his own age or close to it

          • Anonymous says:

            His real friends also know that he is just going through a middle-aged crisis which will soon end & he will settle down with LIGHTS & become THE Canadian power couple.

      • Anonymous says:

        When is she going be on “Q”?

    • ............. says:

      Lindsey Love is another one of Jian’s delusional friends. She thinks that being associated with Jian makes her famous. Case in point : her Twitter account. She only has 260 followers and she puts on her Bio “VERIFIED ACCOUNT”. Like anybody would fake being someone that only 260 people have heard of. ROFL

      • Anonymous says:

        Her tweets are so fucking BORING!

      • Yikes!!! says:

        She appears to be a part of the Twitter circle jerk of people hooked up to the CBC life support system. One of her recent tweets refers to Grant Lawrence and his wife as a “Canadian power couple”. Just another CBC hanger-on masturbating & fantasizing on social networks.

        • Anonymous says:

          “Canadian Power Couple”? LMAO!!!! Take away the CBC & they’re nothing!

          • O'rally says:

            And don’t forget the Radio Starmaker Fund where Jill goes to beg for money every 3 months and having Grant’s buddy Jian on the Board of Directors there. Ca-ching! “Canadian power *panhandling couple” is more like it.

          • Anonymous says:

            It would be interesting to see if they would get a grant if Jian removed himself as director of the fund (& Lights, too?)

          • Free Lights coaster (or CD) says:

            It’s doubtful. Isn’t Lights latest CD (the acoustic one that she’s giving away for free) being financed by the Starmaker Fund? I don’t think any record company would finance something given away for free. And if you have to give your CD away for free, isn’t that a pretty good indication that your music doesn’t sell?

          • Anonymous says:

            They aren’t funding the free CD (which was recorded under her bed). They are funding her & Jian’s summer vacation..err, I mean her U.S. coffee house tour.

  • Anonymous says:

    Listen to some snippets of the acoustic EP! It’s a sitting-on-the-deck-with-a-guitar kind of summer. (about an hour ago by @lights)

  • Anonymous says:

    And for the record, just to clear the air here… I have no “the” in front of my name. (54 minutes ago by @lights)

  • Anonymous says:

    Raymi criticizes the Teamakers….but isn’t she guilty of being a pathetic blogger too?

    i am also being railroaded in some shitty cbc forum obsessed thread right now because jian ghomeshi had the audacity to be friends with some of my friends, egad! twerps who aren’t part of any scene whatsoever have no idea how people’s lives in the city actually are. i bet they just go to work and go home and talk to each other on the internet about other people living lives slightly out of the ordinary with a bunch of a fame sprinkled on top. does that make them feel better, seriously? i’d be really embarrassed. they’re making fun of my hair which only makes me want to hang on to it forever and they think i’m an ex-fuck of jian’s. can we not have a birthday patio hang without an ass ton of loser nobody pundits jerking off all over it?

  • Anonymous says:


  • Anonymous says:

    although that was a funny observation – got a good checkle out of us.

  • Anonymous says:

    narcissistic hipster – thanks. glad i have a label now…i was floundering there not knowing who i was.

  • Anonymous says:

    Raymi’s tweet about Jian the other night. According to Raymi, Jian hates her (another one of his failed conquests?) and likely didn’t recognize her (probably because of the blonde dye job) :

    Really bad quality picture of Jian and Raymi’s friend Amanda :

  • Anonymous says:

    @Jasontylerxx eq warm guitars with bright overtones and soft, crisp vocals with a touch of reverb. See: Joni Mitchell or James Taylor. (11 minutes ago by @lights)

    Is Lights is comparing herself to Joni Mitchell or James Taylor? What the hell?

    • Anonymous says:

      She’s so modest. “soft, crisp vocals” and being compared to Joni Mitchell & James Taylor is the best review that she’s ever gotten. Too bad that she had to write it herself.

  • Jian's moles need names says:

    The guy beside Jian in the hipster picture works with Jian’s compition, Jim Richards at CFRB, it’s funny how all these broadcasting types will associate with whoever has the better ratings at the moment. Also please remind me what school Jian studied broadcasting at?

  • "unscripted"? says:

    Are we supposed to believe that the ubiquitous sheet of paper that Jian is holding in his hand and appearing to read throughout the show is BLANK?

    • Anonymous says:

      I think that sheet of paper is his manuscript for “The Nowherians”.

      So far he just has the title, his name (as the author) and he’s spent the last 5 years putting the finishing touches on the “About The Author”. As soon as he’s finished with that, he’ll begin working on “Chapter One – The Dawn Of Jian”.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Allan, don’t be shy. I know first hand you are a much “bigger” man then Jian will ever be. His penis is Nowhereian as big as yours.

  • Bonspieler of the Inanities says:

    Come on, Allan, the BP/CBC comparison is wildly unfair. BP has at least tried to put a plug in its slick-spreading gush-hole.

    • Allan says:

      So too, it appears, did the CBC.
      But the CBC is still leaking pollution, and acting as if it’s no big deal.
      “He has appeared as a contributor or guest on programs ranging from CNN Today and The National, to Late Night with Conan O’Brien.”
      Jian was never, ever a “guest on Late Night with Conan O’Brien” in the way everyone understands that term to be used.
      And it’s a bit rich to say that if you happen to be a musician or dancer with Lady Ga Ga that this qualifies you to refer to yourself as a “contributor” to Saturday Night Live.
      Utter bullshit. FROM THE DESK OF THE CBC!

      “Q has garnered the largest audience of any cultural affairs program in Canada and has become the highest-rated show in its morning time slot in CBC history.”
      What ratings were the show getting when it was the exact same thing in the afternoon time slot?
      What other “cultural affairs program” is the CBC comparing this show with?

      CBC marketing, along with Jian and George as willing participants, has fallen short of being ethical in the way they’ve tried to sell these two people.
      If they’re so talented and competent then why would you have to resort to lying and exaggeration?

      • Anonymous says:

        CBC/Radio-Canada programs have “the largest audience in Canada” as a result of the fact that it’s programs are broadcast everywhere, coast to coast. It’s easy to brag when you’ve got a monopoly on broadcast reach and no competition whatsoever.

  • Anonymous says:

    Raymi is the PERFECT woman for Jian. They both love to have their pictures taken. All. The. Time.

  • Anonymous says:

    Narcissistic Toronto hipsters need a separate table for their cameras when they go out.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Poor Jian says:

      Too bad that all those Lilith Fair dates were canceled. Jian was supposed to be traveling around the US with Blights right now, but instead he’s stuck in a T.O. pub with Raymi the barmaid/blogger. Well, at least he’s got the hastily planned 6 date Lights Acoustic Coffee House Tour starting up soon (paid for by his Radio Starmaker Fund). He’ll be able to act like a big shot jet-setter for a week or two this summer and all will be well again in Jianland (at least temporarily).

    • Anonymous says:

      That is the saddest, junkiest looking restaurant/bar to have your birthday in. Is this really where Jian likes to hang out?

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian was once too precious to venture into Parkdale, but now that it’s officially “hip” he likes to hang out at The Cadillac Lounge.

  • Anonymous says:

    Apparently, Jian is hanging out with Raymi the Minx. Check out her blog. He luvs blonds!

  • FACTOR Grant Lawrence says:

    Why did they change “Mixing insight and opinion with his trademark unscripted wit” to “Mixing insight and opinion with unscripted wit”?

    Did the patent office reject Jian’s application for the trademark on “unscripted wit”?

    • Bonspieler of the Inanities says:

      Wait till the Association of Dictionaries finds out he’s trying to get “performative deep-thinkerly stammering” added to the definitions of “wit.”

    • anonymous says:

      Can anyone provide an example of Yawn being witty, or saying something funny?

  • Anonymous says:

    For posterity, the old CBC/Q “About The Host” :

    The new :

  • PoonGirl says:

    Allan, this may be out of line. But I here you make love women with the same vigor, and relentlessness that you have pursued this Guardian dibacle with Jian. How do I know that you may ask. Let’s just say Allan has no problem scoring younger Poon.

    • Allan says:

      Easy, Girl With The Poon Tattoo.
      No need to flatter me as if I were Huge Hefner.
      Let me re-iterate, that PoonGirl and I have never met in person.
      Our relationship is closer to being that of two players in Second Life.
      But I have seen some pictures of the beautiful young lady.
      And, hey … wait a sec. … that’s no tattoo!

  • Anonymous says:

    They also changed “manages the career of rising international star, LIGHTS”

    to “has managed the international career of Juno-winning electropop performer…”

    She’s no longer a “rising international star”; now she’s just a “performer” with an “international career” (performing in pubs in England and coffee houses in the U.S.).

    O (or is it Q?), how the mighty have fallen!

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