Strombo in America

“Breakfast in NoLa. Then back on the bikes to visit the oil spill. Then on to Austin, Tx. “

Photos | Map
via Mondoville and Johnny Happypants


  • PoonGirl says:

    Keep dreamin’ Allan.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Looks like my dream boat is gettin white hairs and may have to start dying his hair (i he hasn’t already started).

  • Anonymous says:

    Is there any truth to the rumour that George is in L.A. this summer trying to get an audition for “Jersey Shore”? He’s a perfect fit for that show and having an “S” nickname is an added bonus (“Snooki”, “Sweetheart”, “The Situation”, “Strombo”).

  • PoonGirl says:

    How Geoge feels about me –

  • PoonGirl says:

    This is a good runner up to “Aging hipster sans umbrella”. It’s called – “Brooding hipster zombie hosts NHL awards”.

  • Anonymous says:

    Motorcycles and music. What else is new, Stromdouche?

    George is boring.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Instead of Canada’s Boy Friend, Canada’s Peter Pan seems more accurate.

  • Anonymous says:

    when Dick Clark dies, Strombo will be the world’s oldest teenager

  • Allan says:

    lyrics …

    You’re coming off kinda contrived and pretentious
    You’re not sayin anything we haven’t heard before
    You’re caught up in an argument
    oh oh You’re so lost in modern art.
    You will lose it all, and you will find again.

    Don’t lose touch. Don’t lose touch.

    SOS Texted from a cell phone.
    Please tell me I’m not the only one
    that thinks we’re taking ourselves too seriously.
    Just a little too enamoured with inflated self purpose.
    Talk is cheap. And it doesn’t mean much.

    Don’t lose touch. Don’t lose touch.

    I’m losing touch. I’m losing touch. (I’m losing touch)
    well, I’m losing touch. I’m losing touch. (well, I’m losing touch)

    Constant entertainment for our restless minds.
    Constant stimulation for epic appetites.
    Is there something wrong with these songs?
    Maybe there’s something wrong with the audience.
    Manipulation in rock music. Fucking Nausea.

    I’m losing touch. I’m losing touch. (I’m losing touch)
    I’m losing touch. And it’s obvious.

    • Ano says:

      George is a broken record. He needs to get a new act. The way that he references songs all the time is totally fucking gay. King of the music loving queers. Good for you, George. Now shut the fuck up already.

  • Poongirl says:

    He pays respect to all of these legends but on his show he’d rather interview dickle back and chubby checkers.

  • Allan says:

    ” In Joshua Tree National Park. Paying respects to Gram Parsons. ”

    what could be cooler than going and seeing where his friends torched his corpse?
    “Parsons stated that he wanted his body cremated at Joshua Tree and his ashes spread over Cap Rock, a prominent natural feature there … To fulfill Parsons’ funeral wishes, (Phil) Kaufman and a friend stole his body from the airport and in a borrowed hearse drove it to Joshua Tree where they attempted to cremate it by pouring five gallons of gasoline into the open coffin and throwing a lit match inside. What resulted was an enormous fireball. Police chased them, but according to one account they “were encumbered by sobriety” and the pair got away.[32] The two were arrested several days later. Since there was no law against stealing a dead body, they were only fined $750[35] for stealing the coffin and were not prosecuted for leaving 35 lbs of his charred remains in the desert.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Another fake moment. George obviously read way too much Rolling Stone magazine growing up. Who gives a shit about Gram Parsons and the Flying Burrito Brothers other than overgrown music nerds like David Fricke? George has no mind of his own. He’s simply doing what he’s told.

      • Nothing's Shocking says:

        It’s like George is reading the “Book of Cool”….out loud…and highlighting his favourite passages…then putting a post it note to remember the page…before he returns it to the library.

      • Poor Georgie Boy...... says:

        It’s funny watching Gen X’er George paying his respects to baby boomer rock critics hero Gram Parsons….because we all know that Gram Parsons was HUGE in Malton back when George was growing up!

        Poor widdle Georgie wants to be accepted by his elders so badly. I guess this is what happens when you grow up without a father. (tears)

  • PoonGirl says:

    I told him Iwouldn’t mind doing an inspection on his Butt to make sure it’s okay :)

  • Anonymous says:

    “Anti-monkey butt powder. We should have bought this 4500 kms ago. In Tucson off to Joshua Tree.”

  • Anonymous says:

    Mad Max gets a flat tire in New Mexico (Note the guy with the video camera & tripod)

    Always remember to bring a film crew & photographer with you when you go on a trip (to watch your back)

    What a daredevil! Holy Crap! How’d he do that?!?!@*#%

  • Allan says:

    And each picture confirms how much more fun and interesting it is to travel in America, right George?
    But then, you’ve got to follow your heart!
    And every year get down to L.A. to work on all those “projects” of yours that never amount to anything.
    You’re wishing that one day you can go down there and never have to come back.
    We hope your dreams will come true, George.
    The sooner the better.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately for George, Americans have even less tolerance for uncool dorks than Canadians do.

      This road trip is embarrassing. I hope for George’s sake that it doesn’t end like “Easy Rider”……

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s amusing how many of the current crop of CBCers spend their summer vacation in L.A. trying to make it in real show business. It’s reminds me of pilot season when all the Canadian actors go down to Hollywood to audition for TV pilots in hopes of getting on one that gets picked up by a network, which most of them don’t. But there’s always that hope.

    • Anonymous says:

      Someone needs to remind George that he’s been persona non grata in Hollywood since the ratings abomination that was “The One”. Good luck trying to get someone to invest in a project with a ratings disaster with a 17 letter last name in the midst of The Great American Recession.

  • Anonymous says:

    Rebel With a PDA

    “Lunch stop in Sonora Texas en route to El Paso. Trying to read my broken blackberry.”

  • PoonGirl says:

    If anyone needs to contact me –

  • Allan says:

    Seems no one on the road trip thought about something called YOU TUBE.
    It’s this thing on the internet that shows MOVING pictures AND SOUND.
    Or are they concerned that they’ll unintentionally be making a show that’s better than The Hour?

  • Allan says:

    Oops, wrong picture. Here’s the right one …

  • PoonGirl says:

    Probably why George doesn’t have any kids.

  • Allan says:

    George enjoying the no-helmet-required law of Kentucky

  • blondie says:

    And why am I here? I knew you’d make fun of the road trip and I wasn’t disappointed. I have to admit… really funny.

  • PoonGirl says:

    If George really did bang Blondie and Alexia (which I don’t beleive is true) we could make awards called “The Strombies” and hand out awards to the hottest girl. Maybe Kirstine could be the master of ceremonies. It would be similair in style to the Miss Howard Stern Tiger Woods Mistress Beauty Pagent.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Am I the only one who finds George’s dark circles hot ?

  • PoonGirl says:

    You really think three dudes share one room ? This road trip with
    @strombo – @iamhanson, @iamdarby and @adamdesade (if you wan to bug them on twitter like I do) is getting more and more gay. I think someone should ask them if they share a room. Ok, I just did. I hope he answers.

  • Anonymous says:

    betcha george snores loud enough to peel wallpaper off the walls

  • PoonGirl says:

    One of my favourite photos, I beleive it was called “pit stains butt cheeks”

    • Anonymous says:

      One thing that really grosses me out about George other than physical things (like his face) is that he obviously thinks that he’s sexy…that’s a total turn off. He’s not attractive enough to be sitting on the edge of the stage with his ass hanging out without grossing & creeping out the majority of the audience.

    • Allan says:

      Poonie, if you’re conjuring up mental pictures of George’s anatomy, don’t you wonder if he and his two friends get separate rooms when they stop for the night at the local motels?
      Wouldn’t they be more likely to share one room since it’s just for the night?
      And wouldn’t that result in a fair amount of underwear moments?
      Feel free to visualize that when you’re going to sleep tonight.
      You’re welcome.

  • PoonGirl says:

    At least George isn’t 99 years old Allan.

  • Allan says:

    George loves being photographed and pretending he’s a model.
    All photos he controls are created with your bedroom wall ink d.

  • Anonymous says:

    I bet he thinks he looks all “Marlon Brando” cool, instead of the “pouty lonely boy” he really looks like.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hey man, that oil spill is gonna fill your bike tank someday. Scoop some up & enjoy reaping what you sow!

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