Who’s afraid of the CRTC

Ask for a license for a cable channel that promises to re-cycle old Country Canada shows, and after you get it, morph it into a channel that competes with Bravo, while creating no new programs or jobs.
When called to account for ignoring the “promise of performance”, CBC snubs its nose at the CRTC.


Because the CRTC is pretty much on its way toward becoming obsolete.


  • Allan says:

    Isn’t what the CBC is doing with “bold” far more and truly underhanded?
    And doesn’t that “open the floodgates” if they’re allowed to get away with it?

  • LocalYokel says:

    Lots of rural people outside the GTA. More all the time actually, in SWOnt. Take a drive, learn a little. It’s where your non-imported organic food and pot comes from.

    There are rural programs? In Ontario?

  • There are still a few rural canucks, but unfortuntely those left are turning to sattilite to get their entertainment, so few are actually watching CBC’s rural shows, that the CBC really didnt need to do it anymore, hence the change to the channel.
    ….but then agaion, we ARE talking about the ‘corpse’ here, they already have the CRTC in their back pocket, why even bother to defend or have to explain themselves and their idiotic ideas and actions..

  • anon says:

    The service won’t pay squat for license, it is broadcasting’s back of beyond, it’s more backward and small time than any of the places it pretends to serve.

  • Anonymous says:

    You mean there are still some rural Canadians???

  • LocalYokel says:

    There’s no ad money to be had out of rural stories. And who wants to work outside of a city anyway? There’s nothing to do out there.
    Bah to the mandate, I say.

  • Kon Rad says:

    So exactly who came up with the bright idea to do this? Sturs? Or one of the bright minions?

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