The Principled Pinhead

Many sports require the use of a ball.
But George doesn’t need any to do his brand of journalism, because he just pretends the Tiger Woods story never happened.
He puts on an act, claiming he’s ignoring the story on principle, as if that’s just trash journalism.
But it really means that he doesn’t understand the story at all, and so is incapable of dealing with it.

A story about a top world athlete, betrayal of trust, media image manipulation, and out of control behaviour, forever colouring the history of the sport of golf.
But it’s also about sex, and doing it, lots of it.
Unfortunately, a subject that makes George and his CBC audience uncomfortable.
Straight up.


  • RJB says:

    Who is this guy?

  • PoonGirl says:

    Hey, you guys should check out another post about George and his BBF Bob ! It’s well written and it’s a “piece” that required alot of “research”.

  • PoonGirl says:

    If Twitter is any indication of how many people are interested in him, I’d say that group is three feet wide and 39,882 followers deep.

  • Allan says:

    How Evil Works – George is mentioned:
    FP: You say that, ’œBottom line, we don’™t want to offend Muslims. Why? Because we’™re afraid of them.’ Absolutely, we have a pathetic talk show host on the CBC up here in Canada, George Stroumboulopoulos, who makes constant jokes about Jesus, yet you will never hear him make one joke about the ’œProphet’ Mohammed.

    at the same web site, but at greater length:

    • Anonymous says:

      Excellent dressing down of George in the second link. More telling – no comments after the article. Much like his ratings, it’s proof of the public’s overall disinterest in George. We, the few that give George even a moment’s thought, are part of a very select group indeed.

      • Futility Fan says:

        “And so Stroumboulopoulos desperately strives to be cool, which is of course, the one thing fatal to “coolness” itself. ”

        Well said! Thanks for the 2nd article.

  • Not PoonGirl says:

    I wonder if George and him got it on after the show. You can cut the sexual tension with a knife.

  • Anonymous says:

    “Your boyfriend George” thinks “sexual politics are boring, dude.” He won’t talk about Tiger Woods on his show, but get him on your show and he’ll crack jokes about Tiger’s wife hitting him with a golf club. Way to be consistent, Georgie boy.

  • Shy-Bi says:

    The only difference is George would pretend he is going a long with Tiger’s wishes to not bring up his home life because George doesn’t find sexual politics interesting.

  • cbc ottawa says:

    So George is “a tool” when he interviews American celebrities and George is “a tool” when he doesn’t cover American celebrities? Make up your minds people!

    • Allan says:

      George is the one who can’t make up his mind. Is he a journalist or a presenter? (I say he’s a presenter and the furthest thing from a journalist)
      American publicists are invited to use the CBC and The Hour and Q as a tool to promote their clients financial interests.
      So yes, he’s a tool. Just maybe not quite Tool Academy material.

      For two guys who trumpet themselves as “uncompromising”, authentic and “real”, they do nothing but compromise to get famous names on their shows.
      Not allowed to talk about your acting career, Billy Bob? No problem!
      Only softball questions for Sarah Palin? You got it!

      George and Jian are the type of “journalists” who would salivate at the chance to get an interview with Tiger, and readily agree not to bring up anything about his career in porn or ask questions such as “how are things at home?”
      We respect journalists on the basis of how UNcompromising they are in their approach to their craft.
      Jian and George are all about compromising in order to get a photo op next to Hulk Hogan.
      And happily pay the price demanded – promote his daughter’s absurd music.
      Or promote music by Billy Bob’s band even though behind his back they tell everyone it’s crap.
      Don’t look to these guys as exemplifying integrity or honesty.
      Rather, they sold out, while insisting that everyone is supposed to believe they are much better than that.
      They are far from it, but that’s how you spell success at today’s CBC.

  • Anonymous says:

    I personally think the only way to cover the story is to show how much people, and the press, can’t mind their own damned business. I couldn’t care less about what tiger does with his cock. It’s none of my business.

    That said, George is a tool.

  • dewd says:

    I don’t watch his show. How often does he say “dude” like he does in that clip? That’s ridonkulous.

  • Sal Richard says:

    With all the fluff pop culture shit pieces/pseudo journalism that The Hour revels in, George chooses to take a stand on Tiger Woods. That’s weird. Does it hit a little too close to home, perhaps? Should Kirsty be worried?

    • Anonymous says:

      Where have you been? Kirsten Layfield/Stewart is dating Zaib Shaikh from Little Mosque on The Prairie. Why do you think the show is still on the air?

  • Auto Tone Voice Machine Crank Calling Pizza Shop says:

    I wish Allan would include the bit where George said the show revolves around his “personality”.

    Or, how he avoided answering whether he was a journalit or a talk show host. He said he was a human so he can be everything. Maybe he’s also SuperMan and Stetch Armstrong.

    Notice how George is not as self assured when thi young lad i interviewing him ? Can’t handle another Alpha Male in the studio Virtue Boy ?

  • Anonymous says:

    Are you seriously equating the Tiger Woods scandal with priests molesting children? How the hell is a philandering celebrity athlete who had sex with consenting adults similar to child rapists being systematically protected by the Roman Catholic church?

  • Choirboy says:

    So, George, I guess your going to ignore stories about the Vatican’s inability to deal with priests who molested children as just another story about sexual politics?

  • Auto Tone Voice Machine Crank Calling Piza Shop says:

    George’s show is so high class !

  • Anonymous says:

    “Didn’t touch it.” Like that’s a virtue? This was a gigantic story. It was as much about business and one of the world’s most famous personalities suffering a truly heroic downfall, as it was about tabloid gossip. I agree…this is completely phoney high-mindedness. They probably didn’t do it because they MISSED the damn thing. Probably too busy booking celebrities (wait…that would be tabloidy, right?)

  • Anonymous says:

    In the same way that George & Jian trade on their “squeaky, clean” images? But would fall from grace if people knew the truth?

  • Curb Your Enthusiasm says:

    George is not one to judge about sexual politics…considering how his “homewrecker” status. Do you know who wants to know more about this story, George? The shareholders of the companies who endorsed Tiger’s heroic, squeaky clean image! Because they lost a tonne of money on this man’s sexual antics. That’s who cares, George. And that’s why it was such a big story. Idiot.

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