No Tip

At a mile-a-minute, too much for Hulk Hogan’s opponent to give credit where it’s due.

“The photo behind him for most of his piece is a shot I took in 1983. On the one hand it was great to hear that some of my work was hitting the media in some form, on the other hand it was irritating that they lifted it without permission or attributing the shot. To twist the knife, they then lead into a promo of another Toronto photographer who’s been photographing Detroit (didn’t show any of his photos so it sounded like my shot was his).”

~ southofbloor

Since the mistake was made on the air, the correction should also be made on the air instead of some flunky out of sight of the audience writing back saying ‘sorry about that’.

Producers of The Hour would seem to prefer having people think that they never make mistakes.


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