Manufacturing Boredom

It’s more than lies and spin that can control a nation.
It can be done by omission.
By what’s not being said.
The Hour and re-branding of Newsworld has been shown to be empty heroics, and resulted in both a dumbing down and slowing down of any vitality and daring in news coverage and broadcast arts.

CBC’s radio music service is redundant and useless, particularly when private broadcasters are already regulated to provide Canadian content.
We don’t need the government to give us Radio 2 and 3 when they’re nothing more than a Muzak track. If these channels were self-supporting then we might actually see evidence of a broadcaster giving the audience what it wants instead of telling them this is what’s good for you.

We need more diversity, more experimentation, and more progress in public affairs than simply importing traditional, conforming media on to the web.
And it’s becoming more apparent all the time that eventually we’ll have to do it ourselves.


  • Anonymous says:

    The essential question: Can bureaucrats be exciting, innovative & creative?

  • Anonymous says:

    You’re going to need a lot of tinfoil.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why not let the Ryan Seacrest’s of the world have tv & radio…you’ll find the rest of us on the net.

      • Anonymous says:

        And just let the CBC die, you mean? Now that CTV has largely taken over as Canada’™s network, I wonder how long will it be before the Conservatives call for big cuts to the CBC? They’™ll want to time that right. They don’™t want to play that card too soon and risk the CBC firing George and Jian. Those two and The National are three big reasons why support for the CBC is crashing.

        I’™m with you on the net, btw, but PBS is very good. Maybe we could scrap the CBC and use the funding for a Canadian version of PBS?

        • Anonymous says:

          A Canadian PBS sounds good. For now, CTV represents what Canadians are really like, but the CBC represents what an elite clique in Toronto thinks Canadians are really like.

  • Anonymous says:

    Allan, I think it is time to take this to the next level. What’™s the next step? Who are the people who are really responsible for this mess? George and Jian and the rest of the village idiots who’ve been hired in recent years are only the symptoms of the problem. Is it time for an email campaign? Should we be writing to the CBC or our elected representatives? Should we start a button campaign? ’œI boycott the CBC. Ask me why.’ Some of you folks know the inner workings of the CBC better than the rest of us. What’™s the best way to go?

  • Anonymous says:

    Too bad The Border got the axe.

  • Anonymous says:

    Maybe it’s a conspiracy: as the CBC becomes boring, no one will watch or listen, and the government can finally shut it down because no one will care if it goes away.

    • Controversial Wok With Yan Apron Slogan says:

      About as likely as knuckledraggers getting gay marriage revoked or changing the abortion laws.

      Or pigs flying.

      Or a day on this blog without a volkswagen full of cbcwatch clowns driving through.

  • Anonymous says:

    What they all said. The CBC is for EVERYONE – not just for ME … there are shows that I don’t like, but I’m not going to quit my job and spend all my time writing psychotic ramblings about them. Allan, get a fucking life.

  • Anonymous says:

    It’s all a matter of taste. Is “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” laugh out loud funny all the time? Change channels if you don’t like it, or switch it off & go outside & play.

    P.S. “How it Works” made me giggle. Thanks Allan.

  • Jane E. Cannoughk says:

    I thought that this site was supposed to be fun like FRANK magazine!?!?

    But I come here to find you guys are just psycho’s! Is Todd ever coming back to clean this blog up?

  • Agreed says:

    Serenity’s comment is probably the truest thing I’ve ever read here.

  • cbc ottawa says:

    What he said!

  • Serenity says:

    This post is boring. And predictable.

    Most people who come here already get the point, Allan.

    Your work is as lousy as what you criticize, so, yeah, I guess you’re right about the DIY thing.

    It just sucks that it constantly acts as a strip of flypaper, drawing in fuckhead social-networking kids whose whole CBC experience is hating Jian / George, or ex-CBCwatch shit-for-brains types griping about taxpayers’ money .

    Soemtimes I think you’re a mole, sent from CTV to turn this blog into a massive embarrassment. We all know you love to ki$$ corporate ass, e.g. your Apple sycophancy, so the shoe kinda fits.

    As always, great work on the Maffin-bashing. Even on a terrible day, you don’t even come close to his bottom-feeding, but come on …

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