
His own blog is boring and attracts no readers whatsoever.
He misses the good old days of having thousands of people, though only a few, reading all about him and the CBC when he had control of the “Official Blog”
But he blew that when he had it, proving himself to be a petty, mean-spirited nutbar, frequently concerned with bringing attention to himself as much as to the CBC.
Once even fancied himself the future visionary President of the CBC, and now all he’s left with is Tea Makers envy.

Battle of the Blogs: Tod Maffin vs. Paul McGrath

He’s bought a domain and set himself back up in business covering CBC doings, conveniently still able to tap into internal CBC news announcements.
The MotherCorp blog is billed as

Though he openly solicits “hate” about the CBC, he can’t seem to bring himself to criticize anything.
He’s hoping you’ll do that for him, so that he can be the Corporation’s defender.
He wants power. CBC power.
From now until the end of eternity he intends to leech off of his past association with the CBC, the pinnacle of his career and notoriety.
And he wants back in, one way or another.


  • Wuchu Talkenaboot says:

    Dig it:

    1) Had some success at an early age, and problems ever since – check
    2) Tried some weird creepy ‘reality show’ type self-exposure of his problems in order to garner fame / sympathy – check
    3) Fails to ever be able to recapture his glory days and makes an even bigger mug of himself each time he re-tries – check

    And those, dear friends, are just a few of the reasons that Tod Maffin is CBC’s Gary Coleman!

  • Anonymous says:

    Todd’s site is really sad and pathetic; one comment no reactions since February 10th. You can almost hear the crickets and see the tumbleweeds rolling across the screen. Almost makes me feel sorry for the jumped-up, self-important, annoying little fuckhead.

    • L'il pecker says:

      There WERE more than 2 comments – for a while anyway. Until that jumped up little chickenshit erased it.

      Todd, you coward. Inside the CBC never erases my comments when I post hilarious stuff like “Get well soon, Todd [sic]”!

      • Allan says:

        That didn’t take long …”The site has blocked you from posting new comments.”
        Doesn’t Maffin realize that he is dealing with “one of the most respected bloggers in the country”? Just ask George!

      • Anonymous says:

        LOL @ ’œGet well soon, Todd [sic]’œ

        Everyone should call him Todd [sic] from now on.

  • Anonymous says:

    If Tod wants back in, maybe he should start shamelessly flirting with CBC executives & attend every party, opening and cultural event in Toronto…just saying…

  • PoonGirl says:

    Yes, Allan is a woman.

  • PoonGirl says:

    How does Todd feel about George ?

  • Anon says:

    … and his divorce?

  • Anonymous says:

    Well, if Todd wants CBC power, maybe he should learn to better copy/paste press releases. has some obvious copy-editing, err… make that, copy-pasting mistakes in it.

    Sort of hard to take it seriously…

    • Copypasta says:

      “While the show was a huge hit in Sweden, some national media accused Marquard sharply criticized Marquard, who also received bomb threats at her house.”

      Is there anyone out there still interested in a warmed-over InsideTheCBC? Mangled press releases? The whole concept seems a little, well, last century.

  • /TERD says:

    It might not be a bad idea to give Tod a 5 minute radio show. Something like his old /NERD program. Air it at 5:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

    Crazy you say? Not really. If he worms his way back into CBC, at least he’d be working in an area where he has some knowledge, but nothing to say. Better that than having him work in new media where he has a lot to say, but doesn’t really know sweet fuck all.

    Anybody got any Dalet stories they want to share? Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

    Oh and one last thing – don’t kid yourself about Teamakers envy, Allan. Without the Jian and Strombo bashing, this site would be a ghost town.

    • Allan says:

      He already has a radio show, on the internet.
      It’s another project that goes nowhere. How many times has he threatened to premiere a new podcast or video show and then never followed through?
      He lacks the attention and commitment to fulfill the grandiose visions he has for himself.
      He’s an annoying, cloying, fake, and power-hungry. It’s never about producing good product but only and always about promoting the Tod.

      I’ve visited a few ghost towns and find them fascinating.
      Glad we were able to find a topic, beside G and J, that is of interest to you, TD.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good point, /TERD. If it weren’t for all these posts and comments, this blog would be boring! In fact, if no one visited it at all, it would be truly a ghost town. And it would be totally dull if it weren’t for all these discussions going on.

      So there, Allan.

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