Test Your Composure

Brandon Firla, Actor, “Little Mosque on the Prairie”

It’s the greatest show produced by the CBC.
Hokey, and yet so human, with miles of smiles.
A public broadcaster enjoying, for once, being in the company of the public.
Everyone who has ever participated in these “Test The Nation” shows will tell you that this is the best party in town.
Shinan Govani should be so lucky.

Being a “live” broadcast naturally makes it vulnerable to the odd gaffe.
And being a contestant in the front row makes you vulnerable to being asked questions for which you were totally unprepared. A little advance notice would have  been helpful if you’re going to be asked to explain Luke 18:25.

W. Brett Wilson, wealthy beyond measure, considered “spiritual”, and voted the most popular of all the Dragons, was approached by host Carol MacNeil with, got to hand it to her, one clever question. What did W. Brett, captain of the Believers team, think of the Bible verse “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”?
Eh … …
He looked at her, shook his head and threw up his hands.
Might need more than a second to formulate a response, Carol.
And gosh that’s a big smile you have.

No idea what W. Brett’s beliefs actually are, but when you’re rich enough to be called a philanthropist, odds are fairly good that you’ll be having the last laugh in just about any situation.

Amanda Lang with her sister Adrian, a lawyer, co-captains of The Twins team.


  • CBC Stinks says:

    Oh, that is so correct. The 2 hosts ‘are’ the bed buddies of 2 big wigs at the CBC. That is wrong. So, this is what the kids today are learning – if you want to be a host at the public broadcaster, then you better learn to spread those legs. It just keeps getting worse at the CBC. What does CBC stand for….Canadian Bang-Me Corporation.

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh, that is so correct. The 2 hosts ‘are’ the bed buddies of 2 big wigs at the CBC. That is wrong. So, this is what the kids today are learning – if you want to be a host at the public broadcaster, then you better learn to spread those legs. It just keeps getting worse at the CBC. What does CBC stand for….Canadian Bang-Me Corporation.

  • Makeup says:

    They aren’t the only ones. Make sure you check Directors that get their hair done by their employees. Right around bonus time.

  • Raoul Duke says:

    Stursberg is the Bernie Madoff of broadcasting.

  • anonymous says:

    Is that ethical for a public corporation? Especially if there’s no public disclosure?

  • Isaac Asimov's Superquiz says:

    What stinks is that Carole and George are the squeezes of the two execs responsible for the show.

    Doesn’t take a MENSA member to see rotten about that!

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    Aren’t the only Canadians to see it live the Atlantic Time Zone?
    No matter the show was entertaining.

    Since we’re taking about game shows… we broadcast Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune couldn’t we have a couple of Canadian weeks per year?

    Fly the guests and hosts to use the set and crews in LA.

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