We’ve got Stephen on the line from Ottawa, go ahead.



  • PeterInEdmonton says:

    Might as well post a comment, since Edmonton’s climate is not changing from -35 C today…

    The reality is that the CBC Radio 2 runs two programs that feature lengthy ongoing coverage of climate change. See The Current podcast archive for their Nov. 25th feature on Suzuki and Gore, for example. Quirks and Quarks have a couple of stories on climate change in their podcast archive at the moment. So, given these programs’ devotion to the subject matter, one would expect some coverage of Climategate. As far as I can find, there was about 5-10 minutes on The Current’s letters segment Dec. 3rd when they responded to a listener complaint about lack of coverage. They got somebody who had written a pro-climate-change history of the CRU to pooh-pooh it. That’s it. I can find nothing on Quirks and Quarks.

    For an interesting example of how touchy the CBC is on the subject, search the web site for “climategate bloggerheads” and watch the video. A right wing blogger dared to suggest they were ignoring it. The response was defensive to say the least.

    The silence of Quirks and Quarks is more disturbing. I haven’t heard anybody denying the authenticity of the emails and it could make for an interesting story on the passions and politics behind the scientific method that is often thought to be dry and dispassionate.

    Speaking of scientific method, I propose a prediction based on my hypothesis that CBC is suppressing this story due to bias: should some evidence emerge that big-energy money financed the hacking, either The Current or Quirks will give full coverage to it.

    • Allan says:

      That’s an impressive interest you have in the topic.

      Didn’t we know from the beginning that there was no story here?
      The email revelation was more about human behaviour in private communication than any new understanding about climate change.
      If it’s behaviour we want to reflect on, Tiger Woods is more interesting.
      This AP story puts some of it in perspective
      No point in dwelling on “Climategate” when the real story was always going to be, and is, what happens in Copenhagen.

      The clip here is fun to listen to, and for a receptionist-type who isn’t told she’s being broadcast to the internet, she handles the call really quite well.

  • Rusty says:

    So cbc reported on it, but because they didn’t make a huge deal of it (since all the other piles of climate science stand, and consensus amongst every single major scientific body on the planet stands), CBC is somehow beholden to the pro-climate change cabal? More like beholden to reality.

  • cbc ottawa says:

    You can’t expect the person who answers the phone is going to be able to help you with thisd sort of thing… just silly.

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