A line in the sand

In recent weeks management, more likely the think-tank that spawned the HUB, have been finding 4th floor dwellers posting pics of crashed trains, broken wagon wheels, collapsed structures most with the word “HUB” scrawled beneath.

Frustrated by the crimes but with no suspects to apprehend, bosses are looking to vent. So what is public enemy #1? The poverty-stricken klinger union boards located in parts unknown all over the Broadcast Centre. After almost 2 decades in this building, management gave no hint that they even had the boards on their radar. Now they can’t get enough.

a line in the sand

This hawkeye view of the boards has Union officials having to answer questions about some recent postings, posters seen as trying to turn general member frustration in to a call to war against their bosses. It seems the Politburo is now extending its editorial powers into union/member dialogue. The underlying message being: “Step aside, Karl. Let us deal with da’ workers directly.”

It appears some bosses are being Frank Burns, and our union brothers should try to be more surgical about getting their messages out, and to act less like they’re fighting a war.


  • Anon says:

    Dumb question time: What is HUB?

    • Jeff says:

      Its like the Matrix. An imaginary world made to keep the masses pacified. A tranquile existance for those who are happy to bathe in the warm gooey ooze and let droids do the thinking for them.

      Then there are those who wish to see the world as it really is. They speak out and say “this isn’t real, we can’t survive like this!”

      You’ll find those people working 11pm to 7am on the weekends!

  • Sink the hub says:

    You forgot to mention the picture of the titanic steaming towards the iceberg. That was my favorite guerilla poster. Ha! The HUB is a disaster. It does not work.

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