war is a force that gives The Current meaning

It’s 8:30 AM.
Time to get depressed.

After a pleasant local morning show that makes my immediate environment seem vibrant, creative and manageable, makes me feel like I’m a citizen and a participant in the affairs and running of my own community, it’s time for … WORLD AFFAIRS.
Gee, thanks CBC Radio One.
North Korea wants to blow me to smithereens and the “i” in CSIS stands for idiots.
Why was I even born?

And how many more minutes until Regis and Kelly?


  • Anonymous says:

    Other Anonymous person…the most fun I EVER had in radio was doing a mutli-part series (NOT for the CBC) on monoclonal immunoconjugates (magic bullet drugs that target specific cells/diseases).

    Y'see, youth, dressing up in vintage t-shirts and Balzac are what actual people with lives call "distractions." Read Postman's "amusing ourselves to death." I suspect a large of the reason that public broadcasting is in trouble is because the producers just want to have fun. And having worked on both sides of the public/private fence, they're equally fun, but the privates actually mean business.

    The "bitter and old" model is as valid as the "flakey hipster" perspective. The problem is, the former knows it and the latter doesn't.

  • Anonymous says:

    Ah, good old straw man hipster-bashing. God forbid anybody be young or have fun around here. The bitter and old model is working so well.

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    Q and The Current should swap time slots. Although that might impede the staff of Q hangin' out a hipster joints discussing their vintage t-shirts and Balzac .

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Unfortunately I also agree with this, and have actually voiced the following sentiment inside Fort Dork: The show’™s great but the timeslot’™s all wrong. We just aren’™t ready for that degree of seriousness at 8:35 in the morning.

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