JS&P to be updated at a future date to accommodate all this Googling

Now you too can attend a pointless, long-ass strategy meeting, just like a real CBCer!

Esther Enkin throws open the doors to a public discussion on rewriting the Journalistic Standards and Practices to bring it up to date.

First on the agenda: comments. When should they be deleted?

If you ever wanted an example of “old media” struggling with programming the clock on the VCR while everyone else is timeshifting American Idol, this is it.

(Anyone want to bet how long it will be until someone in the comments mentions Hitler?)


  • Vigilante says:

    Hitler liked to wear Eva Braun's garters.

    Yay! I mentioned Hitler! I lost!

    What do I win?

    (PS: I don't see why they have to open the JS&P to the public. I can't imagine anyone would be interested. And I'm sure they'll only be shooting themselves in the foot because they'll have assholes like myself asking inane questions and making pointless interruptions)

  • Anonymous says:

    Sorry about that. Editing as we go here, in true bloggy style.

    “The first one to mention Hitler loses,” right?

  • Vigilante says:

    I was going to mention I look pretty damned good in that replica SS Jacket with a crop between my teeth and my cap tilted jauntily to the left, but then you changed the wording from Nazis to Hitler.

    Now I have no idea what I’m going to say.

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