CBC management’s latest reality show piloted in Sudbury

Hits to the hinterlands mean half the jobs and half the staff at the ceebs in the Nickel City.

Tune in as CBC management issues the ultimate northern challenge: the CBC Sudbury station still doesn’t know where its cuts will fall, but it must submit a plan for what future programming will look like. Watch and vote as this group of castaways slugs it out on the slag pile.

Who will come out on top? Which reporter will be the first to dig up the dirt on the latest multi-national mining company to test Industry Canada’s metal? Which host can summarize weather for a region three times the size of New Brunswick the fastest? Who will successfully pitch a trip to Ontario’s far north in time for the next evacuation from a Cree reserve during spring break-up?

Don’t miss the next immunity challenge episode… staff hit highway 144 to Timmins in the ancient station vehicles, out of cell phone range, in search of roadkill. Up for grabs? Two weeks of stress leave.

Grab yourself a pickled egg and pint of OV, it’s a Sudbury Saturday night and you’ve got front row seats.


  • Anonymous says:

    The only clear explanation of these cuts that I have found is here: http://teamakers.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-pmsd-is-ruining-cbc.html

    I’ve never heard of management anywhere telling employees that half their staff was going to be cut and then asking them to work for three more months. When seniority dictates who will stay/go/bump simple counting of fingers should indicate who will be filing EI. I suspect that the fear of firing (and becoming ineligible for EI) is the only reason why the junior staff haven’t lost their shit on the airwaves. To me its tantamount to blackmail. That’s top-notch management!

  • Anonymous says:

    Yeah…they’ll stand on the unemployment line for sure after the Blue Sky Process…wtf is that anyway? A management term that paints being laid off as an opportunity? Now that staff have openly discussed how the station can move on after the cuts, management will have an easy time justifying dropping the bodies. I guess the next Blue Sky Meeting will be to get some reasons from the staff on why the station should just be shut down entirely.

  • Anonymous says:

    Don’t know what Sudbury’s problem is. The Blue Sky process was positive for Thunder Bay. At least our junior people know where they stand.

  • Anonymous says:


  • Anonymous says:

    I can’t believe management would ask employees to participate in this “eat-your-own” process. It lacks any logic to ask employees to make programming decisions before the details of who’s cut are made — not to mention asking the lower seniority people most likely being cut to engage in a process that includes having them help management plan programming after they’re laid-off. It’s actually rather inhumane to put people through this process of not only waiting for their own death, but then asking them to recommend who lives and who dies. This says a lot about how CBC Management actually manages. How do they look themselves in the mirror? In Sudbury’s case, it’s kind of ironic because I’m told CBC Sudbury has just won a major broadcasting award for best morning in Ontario and Quebec, beating out the likes of our beloved Metro Morning as well as the other morning shows, CBC and private, in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and everywhere in southern Ontario. A quick google search also shows, last year, they won an RTNDA and was the only regional radio station to be a finalist for the CAJ Investigative Journalism awards. Why would you want to keep a station like that? All they do is make those big stations, with all their staff, just look bad come award-time.

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