Keep Dreaming, CBC

Hopefully the CBC will eventually put the horrid “Q TV Blow Up” video behind it and replace it with a more uplifting and encouraging broadcast moment.
It can happen, if you just keep trying.
In this clip from Britain’s Got Talent we see some of the most amazingly timed switching, cutting from one scene to another, so good you’d think it was all a scripted movie.
A favorite moment was the inclusion of the pushing of the button.

Susan Boyle – 47-letnia Å›piewaczka z brytyjskiej wersji “Mam

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UPDATE: April 16

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  • Allan says:

    UPDATE for Susan Boyle.
    If you can manage to somehow see the entire Season 3 Episode one as aired on April 11th, you will be hugely entertained by the full show.
    Twice as good as anything in North America.

  • Anonymous says:

    Aigle – Yeah well. If Factual decided to do ‘Canada’s Got Talent’, can you imagine the outrage over ‘more crappy reality TV stolen from (insert country here)’?

    There’s no issue with reality TV being on the CBC aside from all the people who have decided it’s not what the CBC ‘should’ be doing.

  • Aigle says:

    So I just saw the full clip. Then went to Youtube for a better link.

    I’m going to push my bad faith aside, I’m going to try to forget the official CBC-inspired cynicism aside.

    BGT always has had good production, they have perfected a proscenium shot. We could do this. We have the talent.

    And wasn’t it grand? Almost a full drama in 7 minutes.

    Like a phoner with a really good host, you can get a HUGE value in content for cost if this sort of show is properly done. It feels like it is the antithesis of all the scary stuff that is happening with the blending of “i-reporting” and journalism,

    We could do this. We still can.

  • Bytowner says:

    No, that was slated for Strombolopoulos to host. No Ghomeshi cameos.

  • Anonymous says:

    Don’t forget about “The One.” Didn’t they have Jian in waiting to host the Canadian version? With drop-in cameos from ABC Television’s own Strombo.

  • Anonymous says:

    This video is a HOAX. Jian Ghomeshi is behind it.

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