In his own words

To add some context, when Billy Bob began speaking they brought the house lights up. He noticed a child in the first few rows. He told her she had changed the course of his speech. That is why he says, “honey cover your ears” before calling Jian an “asshole”.


  • Dwight Williams says:

    Amen. The argument is over, and Thornton lost.

  • Anonymous says:

    Drop. It.

  • Allan says:

    Over 1, 200,000 YouTube hits.
    And when you Google CBC in News there are nearly 1,000 stories around the world on this.

    Do you guys work in the media?
    Guess you do – the “stupid comments” media!

  • Anonymous says:

    Let’s talk about THIS context, Allan. You are an unhinged, obsessed, ranting stalker lunatic.

    Everyone else has stopped talking about this incident. STFU. Drop it. Move on.

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