
Arts coverage, as defined by the CBC:

Ghomeshi admits that he’d sooner put an unaccomplished American band on his show than a Canadian band.
Because, you see, the American band has …

“Quite frankly it took Arcade Fire three or four years to get a lot of attention. They are not going to be in the national papers or on a show like mine without the hook that Billy Bob’s career trajectory is what it is. To kind of deny that is misplaced …”

~ Jian Ghomeshi, host of national publicly funded radio show


  • Wandering Coyote says:

    Yeah, I have no idea what the interest is in BBT’s band, either. If I’d been listening, I’d probably have changed the station.

  • Allan says:

    good quibble.
    Still makes you wonder why the CBC finds it necessary to make choices based on such a flimsy criteria.
    Putting the group on the air for the simple novelty of it, and not based on merit.

  • Anonymous says:

    You meant to type Allah?

  • Wandering Coyote says:

    Hey Alla,

    Hate to quibble with you, but I read the linked article and I think the “they” is referring to BBT’s band.

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