“I’m cool with that” (at least to your face)

Speaking by phone later, Ghomeshi said: “To not answer questions because I made the apparently egregious mistake of calling him an actor as well as a musician, it just seemed a little absurd.”

He added: “It does raise questions about the expectations of parameters that people ostensibly think that they put on us as arts, culture and entertainment journalists.”


  • Anonymous says:

    Anon 5:58,

    Here’s the thing with those conditions: Up and coming bands don’t get to set them — only stars do. BBT’s got no business being both the anonymous drummer AND the bossy prima donna.

    It’s not like Gian was harping on his acting career either. If the condition was don’t say a “single word” about acting it was ridiculous and not worth following.

  • Dwight Williams says:

    “Constantly mention”?

    Thornton went all “politician evading charges” at the first mention of Nelson.

  • Anonymous says:

    i’m sorry. but jian fucked up. he thinks he doesn’t have to play the game to ‘play the game’. he only wanted the band because of billy bob.
    instructions and conditions are conditions. thats how it works.

    and to constantly mention willie nelson was appalling. was he fishing for a cute stoner buddy story?

    i thought jian got exactly what he deserved.

    billy bob was a brat. but he set the conditions.

  • Anonymous says:

    I saw the interview on TV and could not believe the arrogance of Thornton, you couldn’t pay me to go to any of his concerts or buy any of his music. I was appalled at his totally ignorant behaviour and he is supposedly an adult?? He acted like a spoiled selfish ignorant brat. he needs time out big time and brought down a notch or two.

  • Allan says:

    The “Kudos” are flying, and the Tube views are skyrocketing.
    Last night 300, this afternoon 300,000.
    Today, Jian is just a bit less envious of George.

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