CBC asleep at the wheel on the information highway

An Indian uprising.
That can’t be good.
They’re a deeply spiritual people, are they not?
So when they have a complaint it’s usually about basic rights and dignity, and respect for the environment and property values.
Not surprising that they don’t take kindly to having their entire race being libeled by the guests at the CBC’s electronic Town Hall.

for real

First Nations chiefs say comments on CBC website forum for hate
Indian chiefs allege online racism
Native group urges hate charges against CBC
CBC accused of allowing its website to be used to promote racism
CBC website posters racist: native leaders
Chiefs want charges laid against website
Manitoba chiefs blast CBC for online racism
Aboriginal leaders accuse CBC of allowing website readers to promote racism

Are moderators of web discussions responsible for the content of each and every comment submitted?
Is the CBC able to distinguish between remarks that are “free speech” and those which Canadian law deem to be spreading “hate”?
Can the CBC afford to have live, knowledgeable, trained people to moderate their many forums?
Can the CBC afford not to?

A similar concern was expressed with Dr.Suzuki.

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