The Silly Solution

It’s been put forth that commercial advertising on CBC Radio may be a way out of the financial pressures faced by the Corporation.
It would, of course, also mean the end of the CBC.
Our Heritage Minister seems to think that the automakers who have abandoned television ads would be eager to try radio instead, and that all of the private broadcasters in the country would have no objection to seeing revenues diminish in favour of their competition.


  • Anonymous says:

    The current executive have been drooling over possible ad revenue from morning radio since they blew their million viewer minimum target for television. You thought the consolidation of power was about convergence?

    Besides it’s part of the larger plan to make Canada the biggest joke in the G20.

  • Rick says:

    Unfounded and unsupported assumption stated as fact that because there is a new advertising venue available, the money spent on or revenue gleaned from current avenues will diminish.
    CBC radio probably has a very different demographic that commercial radio stations. Advertisers may/will be glad to shovel a portion of their profits into informing a different group of consumers what kind of crap they are attempting to sell.

  • Dwight Williams says:

    No thank you, Mr. Heritage Minister. It might not be either the end of the CBC or of the world, but it would make the world that much less comfy to live in.

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