CBC Orifice Speaks

I love the irony of this situation. I’m under attack from Allan because he feels I’m off topic or unqualified.
Allan, remove your head from your own orifice. If there’s anyone unqualified around here it’s you. You write for a blog about the CBC with absolutely zero work experience at the CBC
~ Paul McGrath

Who cares about … no, let’s re-phrase that … who is allowed to care about the CBC?
Let alone offer an opinion or a suggestion.

The personal turning point came a few years ago when dozens of CBC voices began screaming out on the internet.
It was shocking to see how smug, unethical and self-serving some of the staff revealed themselves to be in their writings on the web during the lockout.
Also to find an “official blog” that took pleasure in ridiculing the more silly examples of viewer feedback.
Immature, and no respect for their audience.
Little has changed.

This graduate from the Strombo School of Journalism, who knows nothing of my work experience, makes the claim that CTV/Global workers, people in the Federal government, the movie industry, nannies, bakers, lawyers, janitors and slumldog millionaires have no credibility in offering an opinion about anything CBC.
He works there, and you don’t, so shut the f up.
You see this over and over again in the archives of Tea Makers.
Before anyone knew who they were dealing with, I was accused of being an undercover management operative. It was demanded that I provide name, rank and serial number, or be ousted from the discussion (long after the return to work).
Paul’s attitude and unprofessionalism is not typical of the people who work at the CBC, but it’s too large a part of it. And it comes from the top.
Your opinion about anything CBC is merely a useless irritation.
And expressing it is an added expense for them in taking the time to say “we really appreciate your comments. It’s viewers/listeners like you who help make us the best in the world”, before hitting ‘delete’.

It’s a strange logic that concludes you have to work at Canada Post before you can complain about the service.
Otherwise, and somewhat unwisely, there’s a low-level public servant who will tell you that you don’t know your “ass from a hole in the ground.”
But let’s be fair.
Everyone, from Mercer to Mansbridge to the cable-pullers, knows that Paul McGrath does not speak for the CBC. Any more than Tod Maffin ever did.
Really, they just seem to be there to set a very, very bad example.


  • Allan says:

    Does it matter who “Allan” is any more than who Anonymous is?
    Makes no difference to me who “Malachi” is, the comment they left was still quite moving and instructive and powerful. Grateful to the first, third and fourth comment as well. But my approval or dislike of the reactions that people choose to make an effort to leave here is beside the point.
    The content of each expression speaks for itself.
    Grateful to all who participate.

  • Anonymous says:

    Stupid question, but who the fuck is this “Allan” and why is he writing in this blog? If he is such a hotshot, why doesn’t he start his own blog and leave this one to people who actually want to discuss the CBC?

    Seriously. He sounds like the sort of guy you’d see at a CBC party, huddled in the corner, hanging on to his second free-drink ticket until they run out of white wine so he can bitch and complain about it for the rest of the night.

    Give it a rest, pal.

  • RightWingAsshole says:

    You see the same thing here in Awfulwa with those who work in the civil service. Those that started out of school, never worked in the private sector, who have an incredible sense of entitlement. What makes it worse is the fact that we have linguistic apartied to go with it.

    But alas, I digress. This site, before Allan was given the keys, was awash with the ramblings of those in the midst of a cult that they couldn’t decide whether they wanted to leave or not. Perhaps they felt that the abuse would lessen if they tried to understand the abuser. Reminds me of the time I attempted to get my Mother out of Mary Kay….

  • Malachi Constant says:

    It’s one thing to be on the outside and getting annoyed by the pompous CBC-types. But on the inside, you really get the full effect of how full of shit and self-important some of us can be.

    I don’t know what causes this. A former co-worker of mine once speculated that it was caused by a university education + no experience in private broadcasting; and possibly starting at CBC when still very young. Say early 20’s.

    Also, there is a sense among CBC people that our work is absolutely vital to society. Like firefighters or police or doctors. I even heard about some silly plan to ‘lock people IN’ to CBC facilities should there be a deadly bird flu epidemic (this is 100% serious). You know, because we’re so vital and all that.

  • Anonymous says:

    What a disaster area that page is…

    CanWest Forced to Sell E! Channel: no

    The revenue shortfall for this year has already resulted in some cost-cutting and the CBC expects to balance the books. But what about next year? Are layoffs coming? I don’™t know, and it depends on how this recession plays out, but as I said we are not immune.: huh?

    In a cruel twist many of the layoffs are at conventional newspapers – businesses that social media sites like Twitter are picking apart.: really?

    It appears that the guys at Nielson (the company that does the audience surveys): no, they does milk

    Now full disclosure, I work on this campaign, but I do think it represents another significant milestone for online campaigns at the CBC.: Tod II

    But it was in the comments that cbc.ca really excelled. The site received almost four times the number of comments of its nearest competitor.: isn’t the moderation outsourced? what is the ROI there?

    The research was done for Media in Canada, you can read more about it here.: MiC is a semi-amateur online journalism source (like Inside the CBC!) not a commissioner of research

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