Not enough beaver on the web?

(continuing a previous post)
If Mallick is the tip of the iceberg, then hurrah for global warming.

The CBC does not need artists coming in to contribute original material for the web, unless they’ve already been invited to the studios to have their butts kissed by Ghomeshi on cue. And they’re doing it for free!

Wasn’t the CBC created to ensure that there would always be genuine Canadian content on our electronic portals? That we weren’t over-run by American game shows?
When you read the CBC Mandate, one word stands out.
Not web pages.
Yes, of course the CBC needs a web site, to promote all the fun and important and sporty things going on in Canada. To allow Tony Burman a chance to give the appearance of being interested in what you and I think. He’s already being paid, might as well give him something to do.
And, most important, to SELL, SELL, SELL the heck out of those risky, cross-your-fingers in-house creations like How Do You Solve A Problem Like Stursberg.
And if Linden MacIntyre forgets the rules of his profession, it sure is handy to light up the Blackberry and see all the CBC regulations right there, written so broadly that they’re easy to get around if it weren’t for that darn Ombudsman.

But no one asked the CBC to hire people to dress up their .CA with the help of anything more than web monkeys.
Sorry, highly-paid, highly-skilled web monkeys.

If the CBC is going to pay money to talent then it should be for something that will be used on the air, or at least on a CD to attract dust in the Gift Shop.
There’s plenty of Canadian content on the web. Our fragile identity is well represented by Tyee and Miss604 and Raymi The Minx and God knows, Tea Makers.

Hubert has money to burn?
How about creating a third 24-hour channel on the web where you can say fuck. Maybe using the inexpensive labour of all those aspiring broadcasting students across the country who are studying hard for a job that won’t be there when they graduate.
How about knocking off the pretense of being interested in public opinion, and letting viewers create the programs themselves.
Then surely there would be plenty of beaver and beaver-related content to satisfy even the most Liberal and Conservative of tastes.


  • Allan says:

    What was Obama’s point about the difference between being a part of building something, as opposed to destroying?
    The blog seems to be holding up pretty well, and I realize that’s a problem for you

  • Anonymous says:

    how long before this blog totally fall apart? or has it already? it’s nothing more than a soapbox for Allan and his misinformed kvetching about the cbc. Allan maybe you should concentrate on working at the habour and write posts and things you actually know something about.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yeah, this ‘web’ thing should die off any day now.

  • Anonymous says:

    Enjoy 1992, Allan!

  • Allan says:

    But he makes you ask yourself ‘is that someone’s father, brother, son?’ What was he like in elementary school, when they were telling him he could grow up to be President of the United States. What was he like in his productive years, to work along side. What stories and lessons does his past hold, and is it not likely that they are lost forever. And what does it say about the achievements of medicine, psychiatry, and the state of our social services.
    And when will they try a reality show that does a make-over on someone like this. Can their lives the turned around, salvaged. What would that entail, and would it hold.

    And then everyone gets off and switches to the Bloor Line.

  • Anonymous says:

    People stare at the crazy man yelling to himself on the subway car, but they don’t really take what he says seriously. Also he smells like pee.

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