A Calm Suspense

Fiscal year end for the CBC is still two months away.
Perhaps by then President Hubert will have come clean with both staff and the public about the current state of the CBC finances.
Though there is no direct reference to the CBC in today’s government budget, Hubert seems confident that everything will work out fine. He points to the continuing annual $100 million going to the Canadian Television Fund, as if the CBC had first dibs on each of those dollars.
As well, a temporary allotment of $60 million appears to have become an on-going gift that’s now being taken for granted.

The government’s position seems to be “no more, but no less” funding than last year.
Meanwhile, the CBC never makes a profit, consistently spending at least three times more than it earns.
But this year of course is different.
Ad revenue that normally brings in a bit more than $300 million (it’s been the same for nearly ten years) is expected to come up short by possibly as much as $50 million.
But apart from a couple of pep-talk memos, President Hubert has been very quiet about addressing this shortfall.
Presumably, he has a plan, and presumably he will eventually let everyone know what that plan is exactly.


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