And Hubert takes no responsibility

But Sylvain Lafrance has “taken note”.
That’s leadership.
$60,000 Harvard leadership.


  • Johnny Happypants says:

    Remember when making fun of retired Friendly Giant puppets almost brought down the Corporation? Plus Ca Change, baby.

  • Eats, shits and leaves says:

    I’m personally offended by your constant mis-use of the words it’s and its in your postings.

    Oh yeah, and your fucking out-and-out bigotry against French Canadians.

  • Allan says:

    I’m using a very personal mentality. I viewed the segment and felt demeaned by what was presented. But I’m not losing sleep over it.
    This is the way the world is.
    It’s a long story, that by coincidence is actually in the news these very days.

    So you bring up numbers, and the power of the majority.
    But these numbers don’t impress me all that much.
    How much talent does it take to figure out that people want to see a funny skit show that lampoons and ridicules public figures. That’s pretty much every weekly comedy show on English CBC.
    But it takes more than a concept, and that more was …
    Who are the competitors for a Quebec audience on New Years Eve?
    Radio? CNN? Strombo? Dick Clark? Carson Daley?
    Where would a Quebec audience known for it’s passionate and arrogant nationalism turn for drunken entertainment on such a cold late night?
    Not much of an accomplishment.
    And ratings doesn’t make it right.
    This episode goes against everything the CBC claims about it’s superior standards and lofty mission.
    Now who can they say they are better than?
    No better than the dumbest comedian on the planet.
    No better than your everyday racist.

    Within this story is the incredible injustice done to Simard.
    Why has the producer not been fired?
    Because Sylvain and Hubert are cowards. They refuse to accept responsibility, and liability. The CBC has done nothing wrong as far as they’re concerned.
    Cloutier thought she had a right to ridicule the victim of her father’s crimes.

    On what basis do these people deserve our respect?

  • Anonymous says:

    Alan, you’re using a CBCWatch mentality to deal with this whole fiasco.

    Look at the total number of viewers vs. the number of people who called in and complained.

    Less than 1 per cent.

    How many comedies on English TV get those kind of numbers? Now that’s something to discuss.

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