The web page Brian Mulroney’s lawyers are looking at today

Maybe two, the video and the documents of the big lie.


  • Allan says:

    When someone, anyone, comes forward with evidence, you can debate who is using who till the cows come home, but you still go with the story.
    Karlheinz Schreiber chose the most trustworthy reporters (who happen to be at the CBC), who appreciate what’s at stake, and that it’s bigger than his precarious right to be free.
    Schreiber has demonstrated more honour and truthfulness than the once Prime Minister of Canada, so who is more worthy of Canadian citizenship?

  • Anonymous says:

    Yes, and they’re being used by a guy who leaks stuff very selectively in order to put off his deportation to Germany as long as possible.

    What other explanation is there for releasing this material so late in the game?

    And for the record, I hate Mulroney at least as much as anyone.

  • Allan says:

    The relationship is right there in front of you. These are the most respected journalists in the country.

  • Anonymous says:

    These papers should have come out years ago.

    At some point you have to start wondering about the symbiotic/parasitic relationship between The Fifth and Schreiber.

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