Ken Rubin: the new James Bond

Is it really “the competition” that’s behind the Access To Information requests revealing the expense accounts of CBC management, as Chairman Casgrain claims?
It appears to be Ottawa activist Ken Rubin, a researcher-for-hire who’s on a mission.


  • Anonymous says:

    The situation is getting interesting (may you live in interesting times)

    1. Is Hubert suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, defending his fellow senior managers, his letters sound as if these people are his best friends, not people who report to him and who he should be scrutinizing?

    2. Did someone in Communications come with this spin? Doubt it. (If Communications did then someone should be fired but it was probably dictated by the senior managers) Casgrain may be the chair of this organization but he seems so ignorant of journalism that he doesn’t realize that the 1)the reporters at SunMedia are doing their job by filing ATIP requests or 2)the editors at SunMedia are doing their jobs by buying research from Ken Rubin. Just as journalists at CBC file ATIP requests and senior producers buy from Ken Rubin.

    Do they really think that any journalist from the far right to the far left and everything in between in this country would actually believe that Quebecor conspiracy theory? Are the Péladeau family standing on a grassy knoll writing cheques for five dollars to anyone passing by so they can file a request.

  • Anonymous says:

    Of course, the CBC has been using Ken Rubin’s skill (tenacity to wait for year?) for a long time for their own stories.
    Rubin and the ex-army major have always filed many ATI (Request for information) on the CBC.

    The CBC VPs are lashing out foolishly at changes in their expectant lifestyle.

    New clothing for the lords and ladies of the CBC shall be sackcloth and ashes?

    —[ and where’s the “your mother’s approval” warning from the main Teamaker line? ] —

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