Stursberg vs World, Part One

Every time we invite John Doyle into the building to preview our fine TV programming and enjoy some dead things on sticks he manages to write a column that makes us look like losers. Here’s pt 1 of the latest.


  • Anonymous says:

    Carole doesn’t have to worry about her show. She serves cover for Richard’s late-in-life closet secret(despite the whole station knowing he’s ‘switched’). Who cares? – Because there’s knowledge of and complicity in his criminal harassments of an innocent individual.
    The ‘dick’,in manipulative despotic terms of a secret and gutless criminal gay predator, ironically ‘fathers’ in a cover for her chosen life of ‘mother Mary’. The tragic irony here is that the traumatic and abusive teenage experience with a similar relative, that the former had in youth hasn’t yet been ascended from. The past still dictates poor choices and unfortunately serves to create abnormal and maliciously damaging effects on others.
    Although the network charade may conclude soon, as the former has already made inquiry at Global.
    That won’t solve anything – running never has – it is only the truth that shall set you free, as it will the innocent too, that have also been damaged.
    It is the dick who has to go.

  • Anonymous says:

    Stursberg is a gay preadator and has committed crimes that the country will soon realize.

  • Anonymous says:

    Bravo R.H. Thomson.
    More of us should be following the lead of R.H. and giving Dick some attitude starting with St. Hubert. What are you waiting for? Fire Dick Now! The VP of CBC English Services is not respected by the critics, the film community or CBC employees. Dick has managed to cripple Canadian culture all by himself and he’s still in charge? Fire Dick Now because enough is enough.

    And many thanks to John Doyle for his brilliant column which shines a light into the crypt of Count Dick.

  • Anonymous says:

    “Such ill-mannered bravado doesn’t help to build bridges for respectful communication.”

    Clearly “Allen” has never met the “respectful” Richard Stursberg. If he had, he would know that Mr Stursberg is a rude, bombastic and vulgar man that suffers from a lack of basic humility. Richard Stursberg has never been known (inside or outside the industry) as a man that is attempting to “build bridges for respectful communication”

    Allen a surrogate for Richard Stursberg.

  • Bill Lee says:

    But the CBC ‘honchos’ give Mr. Doyle so man loser anecdotes.

    The honchos are not self-deprecating but self-important and and easily pruned in this spring garden season.

    Mr. Doyle sits on the park bench and sees inappropriate behaviour in the CBC sandbox, including not sharing, making own rules to “win” any game. and generally being obnoxious ‘losers.’

  • Allan says:

    Leave it to an actor, R.H. Thomson, to resort to his forte – the theatrical. It strikes me as rude for him to take advantage of Richard like that and insert himself into a conversation where he had not been invited.
    Such ill-mannered bravado doesn’t help to build bridges for respectful communication.
    Doyle of course likes to watch important people squirm. Compensates for his own feelings of worthlessness.

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