Georgia Straight: At CBC Radio 3, podcasts reach global domination

We’re a world leader in podcasting, apparently.


  • Kevin says:

    You can photocopy sheet music now too, granddad. It’s the end times!

  • Anonymous says:

    oh. and success is how many downloads a week? 20thousand for the big podcast…thats a weeks ‘reach’?
    isn’t that just a small ‘radio audience’.

    20 thousand pennies goes a long way
    when you’re an indie artist.

  • Anonymous says:

    the success of this podcast is built entirely on the backs of artists.
    who don’t get paid, and have been duped, convinced, are desperate enough, to give their art away for free. (see the r3 waiver). its all in the interest of promo baby. thats what music has been reduced to. a tool of promotion, and not an actual asset anymore.
    labels, also rights holders are not consulted. i think there should be a small storm brewing here.
    (just like zed, content for free).
    but its the emergent artists…
    imagine trying this with ‘commercial’ or classical artists….
    i dare say it wouldn’t happen.

  • Allan says:

    Georgia Straight, eh? I’ve heard of it.
    The article is extensive, and very good, but what no one asks is how much of an achievement is this podcast really.
    Free Canadian music, without commercials, is popular?
    Gosh, how generous of the CBC!
    How many downloads would it get if you left the host out all together?
    Like, let’s get real.

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