Introducing: the Sidebar

I’ve been putting links in the “Latest news” section of my sidebar for some time now. They’re usually interesting CBC-related articles that only require one line of explanation, if that. If you’ve been watching closely you’ll notice that I sometimes double back and write something about these stories. Sometimes not.

But you can’t comment on them. And they’re taken out of the time line of the rest of the web site.

So instead of putting them over there I’m going to put them over here in semi-regular posts like this one.

Let’s see how it goes. I’m sure you’ll let me know.


The CBC coughs up a name: Krista Erickson.
The National Post appears satiated.

Test the Nation rounds up the bloggers.
By summarizing a million post-game bloggy bits.

This stinks to me
Oasis Pictures wants a piece of International Sales.


  • Dwight Williams says:

    As far as CBC’s days being numbered, all I can do right now to fight that prediction off to the point of making it falsehood is whatever I can as a viewer/listener: keep watching and listening to what I like, making the fact of that taste known to whomever’s willing to read it.

    Beyond that, I’m not sure what else I can do.

    If there were a way to talk the Board into doing whatever I wanted, I’d’ve used that power long ago on much smaller matters than this.

  • Anonymous says:

    Can you feel it Quimet?
    Is the paranoia and distress palpable enough for you?

    But you have to admit that Dick is a serious wordsmith
    “a strategic opportunity that was time sensitive”…
    it reads like poetry.

    Or consider John Cruickshank’s letter of explanation
    (ie: apology) to Doug Finley. Did anyone see the actual letter? Was it encrusted with tear stains and spilled liquor?

    These are desperate times at the CBC Quimet. Be brave for this too shall pass – but I can’t wait to see what’s next.

  • Anonymous says:

    Okay, Dwight, what do you think the Board should do? What do you think they will do? Do you think we will hear about this on CBC news ever again? Honest questions,

  • Dwight Williams says:

    I would hope – and plan to help so far as I can – to see you proven wrong on that last claim, anonymous.

  • Anonymous says:

    The Board is a purely symbolic body, it will do nothing about the egregious distribution deal, nor will CBC news or AIH do anything about RS lying on the service. The Corp is done.

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