Guest blogger: Bonjour, me voici! / Hello, I’m in!

President Hubert sent this out yesterday.
No doubt it is written as a calculated move to distinguish himself from his predecessor. No doubt it is written to assuage the fears of those who are waiting for his demands that “Hoosiers,” “Hoop Dreams,” “The Basketball Diaries,” “Baseketball,” and even “Teen Wolf” are to be played every weekend. No doubt he had help writing this.
Still, I appreciate the effort and the conversational, straightforward style. This bodes well.
He really needs a blog.
As far as I know, he doesn’t have one. Rumors that he posts here under the name “Enik Sleestak” are tantalizing but unfounded.
So for today I’ll extend him mine.

Well, today is my first day on the job. Since my appointment in November, I’ve been more or less informally engaging senior managers to be briefed on our direction, plans and priorities. Those briefings will naturally continue in the coming weeks, but now the real work begins.

I’m really excited to be part of your team. Based on what I’ve seen, read and heard so far, it strikes me that we clearly have a strong talent base and a lot of potential on which to build — this will help us look to the future with optimism. My job is to create a winning environment with you, so that we can fulfil our promise as the national public broadcaster.

My first priority is to establish a strong working relationship with you. So, over the coming months, I plan to meet many people and to do a lot of listening. I’ll be travelling a fair bit, not only between Montréal, Toronto and Ottawa, but also to the regions to learn as much as I can about different realities and perspectives. I also believe that, for this to work as well as it can, you will need to get to know me and, to that end, I intend to let you know on a regular basis what I am thinking and doing. Meantime, I’m counting on you to help me get to know my new surroundings. If you see me wandering alone in the labyrinthine basements of the Toronto Broadcasting Centre or Maison de Radio-Canada, please say hello… and point me towards the nearest elevators!

There are two other things I should mention off the top. One, I’m not so good with names. So, if I meet you once and then forget your name, please don’t take it too personally. Two, my father is Mr. Lacroix; please call me Hubert.

That’s it for now. But you can count on hearing a lot more from me as I settle in, and we press forward with the business of public broadcasting.

Hubert T. Lacroix
President and CEO


  • Enik says:

    I deny everything. (Though I did once eat at a St. Hubert. They put chicken in their poutine.)

  • Anonymous says:

    Hu(ge) berT or Hu bear

    And does he care about crossing T’s
    and soundin’ ’em?

    And what does he like in his coffe/cafe/espresso?

    And list the makings of his last six meals so we can be hospitable in snacks as we wander outside the bunkers’ ears.

    He might not like Vachon cakes in Moncton, nor granola in Victoria.

    And as for pickup basketball games…?

  • Anonymous says:

    Et la version francaise?

    Did he talk about tutyoyer in the French version? How were the words chosen there differ in significance with the English version.

    And has there been a Media Guild or Syndicate de la SRC response yet?

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