Spitting image? (part 2)


  • Anonymous says:

    Hubert is going to reduce the place to dust. Hey Dick, don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.

  • Anonymous says:

    Not sure what the two pix have to do with what’s going on Parliament Hill with KarlHeinz Schreiber.

    But to follow up on Allan’s comments, take a look at what Stursberg has done to the fifth estate. He’s cut the budget back to nothing and all those talented people are sitting in their offices twiddling their thumbs with nothing to do.

    I am sure Stursberg would love to cancel the fifth and fire all those people and replace the show with Extreme Makeover Arctic Edition.

    As all the commentators have said the Commons Ethics Committee can’t match a US congressional inquistion but they certainly know more about tough questions than the Heritage Committee.

    So perhaps the Ethics Committee should add Stursberg to its list of witnesses and ask some tough questions about why he gutted the budget for the fifth.

  • Allan says:

    Harvey Cashore is the man.
    Terence Corcoran’s silly article in The Post will be long forgotten when Cashore and The 5th Estate step forward to accept awards for best investigative journalism (TV) of 2007.
    And the Globe also played a vital role, while the Post and it’s reporters are the obvious patsies in this story.
    And we finally got to meet Mr. Cashore on TVO’s Agenda last night.
    Check out this clip and make up your own mind about who is informed and who is too lazy to see the obvious (and too jealous to admit it).
    Much like All The President’s Men, there seems to be a great story here just in what Cashore and Stevie Cameron endured to get the media and the public’s attention to realize the truth about Mulroney.

  • Allan says:

    Doesn’t everyone have a soft spot for redheads?
    And though they appear to be on opposite ends of the “fun” spectrum, both these talented gentlemen seem to believe they won’t be taken seriously unless they prove they can generate facial hair.

  • Anonymous says:

    Danny Bonaduce and Hubert Lacroix…separated at birth?!

  • Bill Lee says:

    One, which?, might be new Chair Lacroix. But then who is the other?
    Hovering over the images gives no clue in the address.

    These are not famous faces (yet)?

    “Spitting Image” was a BBC show that played in summer fill-ins on CBC. Should the more North American reference be “Separated at birth?”

  • Anonymous says:

    You have to check out The Hour’s web only content. It really adds value. We get to see a staffer take a piss. Really, we do. Tell me there isn’t a content crisis at the CBC. Get some creative people in there or turn out the lights early.

  • Anonymous says:

    This may actually be meaner than the Stursberg/Pickton comparison.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’d complete the comparison “… as Stursberg is to Reuben Kincaid” only Reuben knew the show business.

  • Anonymous says:

    OK, I’ll bite. Who are these people? Are they famous?

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