Winter sked launch

Looking for the discussion on the unveiling of the winter schedule?
It started without you.
Here’s Allan’s take on it:

How does anything in the new slate of TV shows “re-define” the CBC, let alone broadcasting?
Everything looked like the CBC did ten years ago or more. Just the same old same old.
Where was there any indication of innovative thinking, of looking at and using broadcast media differently?
Where was there any hint that we exist in the age of the internet? let alone that the CBC is on top of all it, and joining in in an exciting new way.

So two gay guys replace Gill Deacon, and guess what they’re gonna talk about. Heaven forbid you should have the gays do something serious like Public Affairs or culture.
As much as I do like the gay duo personally, they’re much happier with each other than i could ever be with both of them. Almost instant snorefest.
Kirstine seemed uncomfortable reading the prepared script (but then it’s not her primary gig) and left the shocking news about Jeopardy to the end, followed by a quick exit.
Bring Al Hamel back too! I’m sure he can leave Suzanne alone for a few minutes a day.

It has got to be demoralizing to work at the CBC and see so many American shows in Master Control, with so many talented Canadians looking for work and attention.
How are we defining ourselves by having George interview Jeff Goldbloom?
In light of the CBC mandate, isn’t this just insulting hypocrisy?
Didn’t Steve Earle just walk from the “Q” studios and right over to “The Hour” studios?
Does it matter if it’s Korea or Canada or the BBC interviewing Jeff Golbloom?
How does such a sell-out tell us anything about ourselves and our national identity?

The CBC isn’t doing anything more in drama than giving actors employment.
It’s not like the Corp is debuting a new play by Sky Gilbert or Linda Griffith or any of the new and daring playwrights at local theaters across the country. There’s practically a new play just in Toronto every week, not to overlook Vancouver and even Halifax.
And nothing in television has yet tapped into the immense resources of the internet. Nothing has reflected the New Media in any way.

Yesterday’s token exercise in PR simply said “we’re desperate, we don’t have an original thought, we’ll leave the bravery to others, and at 5 o’clock I’m outta here!”

I’ve never thought of the CBC as part of a vast Wasteland, just a constant example of Wasted Opportunity.


  • Caroline says:

    The winter launch was a complete joke. Johnny Happypants is right, people will change the channel. Oprah doesn’t make CTV’s primetime slot succeed…she’s part of their already solid lineup.

    Steven and Chris or twiddle-dee and twiddle-doo as I affectionately call them are going to regret moving out of their previous gig and over to the CBC. The first warning sign should be being paid to say that Kirstine Layfield doesn’t need a makeover. Her brittle hair, monotonous voice, dry laugh, tacky dress that only accentuated her flabby attributes, and awkward, fumbling composure were most appropriate for launching this pathetic winter season that’s doomed to fail, just like everything else she rubs her creepy old hands on.

  • Anonymous says:

    “…can’t help but notice that the decisions rendered by our visionaries are paving the way for Canadians to easily conclude that “the CBC has no real identity …..”

    Almost got it…. it’s singular “visonary”…. CBC Teleivsion and Radio now ALL report to Stiritupberg…. Too bad the Leafs can’t pull off this kinda power play…. Why does the CBC even need a President…??? Alan… where are you????

  • Sherry says:

    Ouimet are you checking your IP addresses?

    Looking at the last two posts, methinks a troll out there is really, really angry about Wheel of Fortune.

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    “That means the supper hour newscasts will have a stronger lead in– and as CTV and Oprah have shown– lead in is everything! “

    Anon 8:56 You are a fool.

    750,000 people may watch Coronation Street, but 500,000 of them know how to switch channels when Fashion File comes on. I expect even the dopes who watch WOH will know how to use their remotes.

  • Kevin says:

    I can’t believe people are still talking about the winter schedule!

  • Anonymous says:

    Do we know how much we are paying for … god I’m embarassed to even write it … “Wheel of Fortune”? Man, this is CBC’s darkest hour.

  • Anonymous says:

    WHEEL OF FORTUNE??????!!!!!!!????

    I’m so fucking glad I don’t work at the cbc anymore.

  • Anonymous says:

    I felt uncomfortable watching Layfield struggle to deliver her lines read off a friggin teleprompter. My gawd, we are a television network with people who are GOOD at that sort of thing, leave the public speaking to the personalities.

    The line-up was pretty uninspiring and stunk of desperation. And does that daytime lifestyle show even have a name YET?

  • Anonymous says:

    Is it just me or is the CBC being redefined (dismantled) by wannabee programmers who are simply auditioning for a job with the privates?

    I can’t help but notice that the decisions rendered by our visionaries are paving the way for Canadians to easily conclude that “the CBC has no real identity or raison-d’etre, therefore why keep financing an entity that simply attempts to mimic the major U.S. stations.” That’s the question: are the financials so bad that the only way for the CBC to compete and survive is to cave in to cheap, common-denominator, American programming? Or, are we lacking in true vision?

    Some of us still believe in a CBC that truly mirrors the Canadian experience; a CBC that reflects our regional realities; a CBC that is confident in its identity by showcasing its artists; a CBC that represents an oasis in the landscape of mind-numbing, beer-swilling sports bowls and false news taintedly rendered by corporate repeaters.

    There once was a time when we knew that our knowledge and expertise could outclass even the most ambitious American programs; these days, it appears that the need/desire to dumb down is the only way to……irrelevance.

  • Kevin says:

    “Everything looked like the CBC did ten years ago or more.”

    People are probably reading this and crossing their fingers.

  • Anonymous says:

    well, they got rid of Gill Deacon, then repeat the same mistake.

    Enough with the housewife tv in the afternoon! It’s not the fucking 70s anymore!

    Why we even bother signing on before 5:00 is beyond me. There’s nothing but dreck in the daytime schedule.

  • Anonymous says:

    Well the good news is that Wheel of Fortune will run at 5:30 p.m. on CBC and Jeopardy! at 7:30 p.m. That means the supper hour newscasts will have a stronger lead in– and as CTV and Oprah have shown– lead in is everything! The prime time schedule will also have a stronger lead in. CBC management are willing to sacrifice principle for higher ratings.

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