Tea Makers wins New York Blog Critics Award

Entire careers at the CBC have be staked and million-dollar projects have been justified upon the winning of a single award.

It doesn’t even have to be an award anyone has heard of. Our HR web site, HR Under My Fingernails, won a Dalton Pen Award for Excellence in On-Line (Web Sites) Communication. Actually, Mercer Human Resource Consulting won it, because they made it. I guess they deserve a raise. Or at least another contract. You see how this goes.

On the first floor of the TBC there’s a case full of these things. It’s safe to say that every employee, in every show, in every medium, in every language has won something from someone at one time or another.

Yet somehow, this meagre measure of success has always eluded me. Until last week.

As far as I know, the New York Blog Crtics don’t exist, at least as an organized entity. But if they did, I know they would give me an award for “Most truth (Bantamweight),” and for that, I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

It’s very rewarding to know that all these years of hard work are finally paying off through the recognition of my peers!


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