The Pretty Lady Approach

Sent to me by an avid reader.

(take note, Kirsten!)
(but why does the camera not turn off after she moves her arm?)

Best response.


  • Allan says:

    Perhaps they’re sun-stroked.
    They’re certainly rudderless without Tony Burman’s leadership.
    How is anyone supposed to know what to do?
    Only Al-jazerra would have the courage to display feedback, on the viewers own terms. And to do it frequently.
    That’s clearly a genuine and respectful and mature direction to go if you want to claim to serve the public.
    Just by taking that public seriously.

    The response was so creative.
    Does the CBC have an agenda?

    And how is Patrick Watson these days?

  • Anonymous says:

    Why has no one picked up on this?

    They don’t know what Al-Jazeera is?
    (No wonder, seeing our pusillanimous cable companies) or that it is staff with a bunch of American and British ex-pats, often from India or the Gulf who do understand context which is more than white-bread CBC does.

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