TBC moved into Second Life

Second Life is a rich virtual world providing all the pieces you’ll need to make your own Canadian public broadcaster. Just how you want it! Mix and match any of the parts you like, but note that one Jian Ghomeshi must be used with each kit.

Our new, innovative environment will require innovative staffing solutions! Fleshy avatars of real employees will be joined by the Shades Of The Redundant, the Ghosts Of The Disappeared Who Shall Not Be Named, and the SemiTransparent Who Are On Their Way Out.

To free up space all those clunky computers will be removed from CBC.ca. Some sexy laptops will remain, but they are not to leave the office. An ominous countdown will be installed on the wall. Promos for The Hour will be piped in 24-7.

Entire environments will be built for shows that last one day. Remember that lady sitting in the back in the last slide? Here she is again! No, it’s not the work of a lazy concept artist. She works in both places. Or rather, she “multitasks.” Errant cameramen roam the environment looking for local breaking news.

Rest assured! Just like the old bricks and mortar TBC, the minorities will be kept safely behind glass here, too. They only think they can get in!


  • Johnny Happypants says:

    Doesn’t look too different—still lots of empty desks.

  • Anonymous says:

    Where does one swipe his (loss of) Identity card in order to upload the CBC-approved ideas and thoughts of the day?

    They better be Scientologically-approved, too!!!

    The Mother Ship…..

  • Anonymous says:

    Yes! Mailbots! What else would the tortured souls Who Are On Their Way Out have to decorate on their last day?

  • Rasputin says:

    Sexy! But where’s the mailbot? I thought this was the future? How more freakin’ in the future can you get than a robotic mail delivery thingie?

  • Ian Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn says:

    Will occupants of this brave new world find places to stick their magnetic name tags?

    These are just concepts, but it seems assigned seating is not a big priority here.

    Look, I’m not gonna race into work 20 minutes early every morning to prevent some 90% opacity holo-goof from hijacking my workstation.

    The Walled fortress paradigm gets swapped out for a newer, more cost effective flavour of peonage. Malicious manager types could literally ‘musical chairs’ someone into redundancy in a setup like this.

    Staff better be allowed to put up different .jpgs up on what few walls there are up there, too. At very least they should get to pick which holograms wander through the open promenades.

    Somebody animate up a medieval-attired Clode Galipeau!

  • Anonymous says:

    All the surplus furniture will be raffled off at the 66th annual CBC golf tournament, of course!

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