Saskboy: CBC tells me I’m smart

Sent to me by Saskboy.

Being left with some unintended spare time on Monday, I came across someone who had taken the CBC Test the Nation IQ contest.

Being the average sort of person who enjoys seeing just how well I can beat a test, I ventured inside. There was a list of survey questions that had me wondering if the whole point was for CBC to learn of my mother’s maiden name so they could steal my credit card, until I reached the survey question sponsored by Quaker Oats. I made sure to answer “NO” to “Do you want to lower your cholesterol?”, since obviously they are looking for a big number of people to say YES of course I’m looking to clog my arteries!

The pre-test form also made me fill out just how high I figured I’d score. Having a high level of confidence in my ability to outsmart my neighbour on a CBC test (since I’ve been listening to Peter Gzoskwi since I was little, and built a lot of intelligence by doing that) I picked 112 as my estimated final score.

And here was the result:
test the nation iq

Some kind of CBC Mothercorp socialist self esteem boosting plot maybe? There’s no way I’m this intelligenty.


In a sort-of related link, I was sent this page of Saskatchewan Idiots by the creator of the contest.



  • Allan says:

    A friend from Ryerson forwarded this email:

    “The Gill Deacon Show on CBC is going in a new direction.

    You are invited to attend a taping of the show:
    Show: The Gill Deacon Show
    Tapings: Monday to Friday
    Check In: 9:15-9:30am
    Studio: Start rolling at 10am
    Location: 25 John Street
    Contact: 416-205-2944 or

    It’ll be interesting to see what’s different.
    When I attended the show as an audience member, Gill randomly positioned herself in front of me as she spoke to the camera.
    And my eyeballs went right to her butt.

  • Saskboy says:

    It would appear I got you blogging again. Sorry to get you re-addicted.

  • Allan says:

    (additional survey question)
    Is that a bell curve, or are you just happy to see Joe, ~O and AZ on the same page?

  • Anonymous says:

    Oooh Welcome back O’

  • Antonia Z says:

    Oh great. Just great. Another blog I have to check every damn day. And pretty soon that annoying Allan will be showing up too.

  • Joe says:

    Ouimet is back!

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