
To the delight of some and the disappointment of others, this site is going on hiatus.

There’s a project I’ve been asked to help with, and if I’m going to give it a fair shot then it will require all my non-CBC attention and then some.

It’s a shame because The Tea Makers is as popular as ever. I never thought it would last more than a month, and here I am more than a year later, still at large in the bowels of the TBC. I won’t be writing anything on this site for a while, but if you want to, email me at cbcteamakers@hotmail.com and I’ll put it up verbatim.

Have fun and see you online.


  • Allan says:

    I would gladly take you up on your generous offer to post a submission, and blast away at CBC programs, policies and pretensions.
    But I like your postings better, even if it’s a sign-off.

  • Archivist Andy says:

    I used to work (a worker ant, not a manager) at the CBC in Toronto, but happily I have moved on to greener pastures. That building was filled to the brim with unhappy, maladjusted bureaucrats with tiny, misshapen souls, and I thank God I no longer have to trudge into a workplace where the employee morale was lower than it was at the McDonald’s I worked in as a teenager. The only happy memories I have of my time there were the nine weeks of the lockout.
    I pity anyone still stuck there.

  • Dwight Williams, Storyteller says:

    I suspect that anyone willing to assume that title is welcome to it. There are a couple of spammers already working with it, and some of the comment they’ve sent out is quite rude, to be honest.

  • Anonymous says:

    If Joe doesn’t want the “dork” title, can I have it? :-)


  • Anonymous says:

    That’s too bad. I’ve enjoyed reading this from time to time.

    I gather the negative comments have come from the boobs at cbc.ca management? No doubt.

    Those boobs lost another good employee who has been there for a number of years! The brain drain continues at the online corpse..thanks to two females (or are they?). Are those people accountable to ANYONE? Someone needs to look into why so many people are bailing from that sinking ship.

    They deserve the worst life can bring them. That’s my wish for this holiday season!

  • Pat Martel says:

    Thanks for your words. You put them together rather well.
    Miss ya…and writge soon.

    Pat Martel
    CBC Radio
    Charlottetown PEI

  • Anonymous says:

    Thankyou for the comments, I sincerely appreciate them.

    Even those from the haters. They let me know that I’m still on target, at least a little bit.

    And yes, even those from the haters in Alliance Atlantis!

  • Joe Clark says:

    I deny being a dork.

  • Anonymous says:

    Your irreverence will be missed. Hope you’re back soon!

  • cbcworkerbee says:

    You’re already missed.

  • Anonymous says:

    I for one consider this a valuable public service, and I hope you’ll continue.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’ve thought it very fine.

  • David C says:

    Billybob: Not worth my time to say much more.

  • Justin Beach says:

    I will miss this blog, although I’m sure I’ll talk to the author fairly often. I won’t miss the Anonymous posters with nothing substantial to say who feel like posting shots anyway (the internet’s equivelant of graffiti).

    I would also like to thank Anonymous #3 for her concern, but. I build soap boxes – I’m actually pretty good at it, and have several in various stages of construction already so don’t worry, I’ll be fine. =)

  • Anonymous says:

    You’re not going to an incubator, are you?
    First Antonia, now you! Come back soon please.

  • Billybob says:

    I will miss this, and I await its return. I spent many enjoyable hours here. And as for these anonymous critics and “David C”…ugh. I’ll leave aside the fact that anonymous #1 doesn’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re” (it works like this, Anon: “you’re” ugly, just like “your” mama). But: “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out”? “Good riddance”? That’s the best you guys could do – dust off some hackneyed cliches to fling in Ouimet’s direction? Oh, come on. You can do better than that. What are you guys, *writers* for CBC “docudramas”?

  • hugh says:

    i guess i’ll throw my hat in with the dorky hangers-on, cast off and tealess in the cold, but soapfilled world of teh internets. good luck with new ventures.

  • Allan says:

    Probably every person that was ever mentioned here is going to miss you (for the time being?).
    Only you know how many people hit on your page each day/week, and perhaps who they were (if they emailed you)
    Though you were anonymous, like several others chose to be, you made yourself highly accessible and accountable.
    The recent video, aside from being a gem of creative voice-over, seems a fitting close (for intermission?) since much of your focus was on the feisty raccoon. Finally, he sounds intelligible and sincere.
    And for you as well, this place saw a lot less ass-kissing than you may be accustomed to at work.
    Now CBC’ers can resume their shufflistic duties without fear that someone other than naive nitwits and geriatric monarchists are watching their work.
    Makes for a duller everything.
    We’ll dream of your return.

  • Anonymous says:

    Now that Management has had its say, (blow), the rest of us will miss you every day.

    Come back soon.

  • Anonymous says:

    On the minus side, it will suck to have to use the more traditional channels of gossip and scuttlebut to find out what the latest dirt is.

    On the plus side, dorky hangers-on like Joe Clark and Justin Beach can finally seek out some new lame soap box to stand on. I hope I never stumble across that soapbox.

  • Anonymous says:

    I know three people who will be happy to hear this news. I’m the fourth.

    Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

  • David C says:

    Good riddance!

  • Anonymous says:

    So glad your leaving for a while. Your commentary has decreased in both quality and maturity over the last few weeks. Once a source of intruiging inside info, has now become a place to host garbage like the Rab. clip.

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