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High-profile media professionals and curious Canadian citizens agree that Tea Makers Insider Edition its the best way to experience what it’s like to be “inside the CBC,” Canada’s effervescent national broadcaster.

Here’s a sample of what you get:

There’s something to be said for silos
By A Crusty Old Guy Waiting For His Package
All this talk of breaking down silos at the CBC is a load of manure. It took me a long time to build this silo, and I’ve got everything I need in here. There’s my water cooler, which I want no one else touching. My complicated, expensive, custom-made tools with no instruction books, which no one else can figure out. And if the CBC wants me to tear this silo down, well they better be ready to pay the overtime for me to…
The full text of this article has 980 words.

I thank myself for my meritorious and selfless service to public broadcasting
By An Outgoing Executive Leaving Under Shady Circumstances
As many of you have heard, I’ve been fired. Not trusting any of these backbiting motherfuckers to pen my outro, I’m writing it myself. And so, it is with heavy heart that you say farewell to me, your valued colleague, as my contributions are – er, were – highly valued, and my presence will be – no, is – deeply missed by you, CBC employees, across the country…
The full text of this article has 15,767 words.

If this love is inappropriate, then dammit I don’t want to be appropriate
By Richard Stursberg, VP of English TV
When I look at you, I see that you are more beautiful than the Scherman on my wall. And yes, quite possibly, more lovely than my Lukacs. When you touch my cold, smooth, lizardlike skin, I get so excited, I just can’t hide it. I’m about to violate CBC Journalistic Policy 3.12(b) all the way to (d). And I think I like it!
The full text of this article has 602 sweet nothings.

Wutz wrong with these people?
By A Cool Girl On Short-Term Contract
Seriously WTF????
The full text of this article has 1 words, 1 acronym and 4 emoticons.

Canadian docs literally the stuff of Canadian dreams
By Mark Starowicz, Executive Director of Documentary Unit
Canadian-made documentaries like Hockey: A People’s History are in danger, and with them, the very substance – and cause of – Canadian dreams. Who among us didn’t pleasantly drift to sleep in the first few minutes of Hockey, to dream of underpaid Canadian actors wearing odd hats and fake mustaches? I shudder to think what would happen if a Canadian were to journey to the land of nod during America’s Best Idea: Our National Parks…
The full text of zzzzzzz ….


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