Guy, we hardly knew vous

I was waiting for this Guy Fournier story to break in the English media, and I was not disappointed by the Globe and Mail this morning.

The controversy centres around something he wrote about Lebanese law, which may or may not be true.

The comments were part of a regular column Fournier wrote for the magazine that included a compilation of jokes and odd anecdotes that were often portrayed as facts.

This sounds like the Farmer’s Almanac. Or the National Post. The chairman of the board was writing for this? Hilarious.

During a 12-minute interview on defecation with the Toronto French-language community radio station CHOQ-FM, Fournier, 75, said it gave him as much — if not more — pleasure than making love.

A 12 minute interview on taking a crap? I swear, I will never understand the French.

Remember during the lockout, when we thought this guy was going to save our asses?

Now he’s gone, and I get the feeling we hardly knew him at all. We saw him as an ineffectual bureaucrat who did nothing discernable. But it turns out he was all that and more.

Of course, the crudest joke of all is the last line of Rabinovitch’s memo:

As stipulated in the 1991 Broadcasting Act, I will be the acting Chair of the Board until the Prime Minister appoints a new Chair.

Er, on second thought, we’ll take the effete racist on the toilet.


  • Ouimet says:

    Hi Drone, thanks for stopping by. Hope your trip was a nice one.

    Aw, I don’t blame you for calling me a management stooge. I probably would have done the same thing in your shoes. It was a strange time. And some people are still not sure if I’m a real person or a construction. Truth be told, some days I’m not sure myself.

    And I didn’t think I would still be blogging one year later, but here I am. I was going to give up when I ran out of things to write about, but as you point out, they give me plenty of material.

    Thanks for the encouragement. If you need to get ahold of me, you can find me here, or at

  • Anonymous says:

    Great post. Almost made me Fournier my pants laughing.

  • Anonymous says:

    So Fournier has hit the fan again, Allan is Amazing and the Drone is back! The Universe is unfolding as it should.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hey — don’t be too hard on Guy.

    Fournier happens!

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Ouimet good post. Our ratings may be going to hell, but the television gods are still with us!
    First Stursberg locks himself out, then Rabinovitch falls out of his chair, and now the CBC chairman falls into a toilet. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.Except for poor crazy Amazing to stick his head in one. And Flush.
    But then you know who I am. I got your message. Thanks and Happy Anniversary to you! Unfortunately before I could get your e-mail address, my friends closed down their temporary one after receiving a threatening missive from you know who. So I don’t have your email address. But I’m happy to use this space to congratulate you for keeping up the struggle to try to make the CBC a better and more creative place. I’m still not persuaded that your cake story was any good (not dark enough)Although I admit it DID make me smile… But some of your ideas, including what to do with Movenpick, have been brilliant. I still think that my basic position that nothing can be done to really change the way the CBC operates, until it gets a new mandate and new funding is still right. But I am willing to admit that I was wrong about something. You’re not a management stooge blogger. You can put that in your sidebar if you want ;>) I thought you were just a lockout creation like CBC Drone was. But you turned out to be much more than that so I apologize.Who knew anything back then? As for me I’m not blogging about the CBC anymore. I just wanted to help me and my friends win the lockout, they did, and for me that was quite enough.I saw it coming years ago. I fought it almost alone for quite a while. But life is too short to keep banging your head against a wall that can’t be moved, until the powers that be break down a few walls and let in some fresh air and light. I was going to write something for the union on the anniversary but I changed my mind. I have the fondest memories of some of those days on the line. When we were all together, and everything seemed possible. But I’d rather not go back there. I do however encourage you and the others to keep on pounding away. I still love and believe in the CBC even after all these disappointments.And there have been many. And I love all the good people who work there. Except senior management of course! I haven’t changed that much. So keep up the good work.The CBC is still worth fighting for. Good luck to you all. As for me I’m not going anywhere. I might be out of the blogging business, but I’ve been teaching a whole bunch of little drones how to fly.So when the right time comes, as it surely will, they’ll be ready.
    And the best news is that there are already enough of these little pests to drive Allen even crazier (if that’s possible) for years!!
    As I once loved to say, I can hardly wait.

    Drone on…

  • E-mom says:

    But did you know he was so funny? You could have sold tickets for lunchtime shows in the Atrium, could have solved your budget problems!

  • Anonymous says:

    Hey ! – Now I can say “I don`t give a Fournier“

  • P says:

    I like that! From now on, I’ll be calling a bowel movement a Fournier. It’s a fitting monument to his career, a name-turned-noun up there with Santorum or Lewinsky.

  • Anonymous says:

    CBC Corporate Communications announced today that a Personal Call Room will be set up for the convenience of employees who have no place to make a personal call.

    Tomorrow they plan to announce that all washroom stalls will now be known as “Fournier’s” with the hope that the ‘move’ will make that personal experience more pleasurable for employees.

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