CBC ads for the lads

Sent to me by a keen-eyed one-handed reader are these screenshots of banner ads for the National all over a self-professed “guys’ portal to the web.”

Not safe for work: up top and on the bottom.

It might work. Frat boys watch the news, too. Er – don’t they? And if some of that collateral sexiness gets subliminally associated with the National, and playing the theme song elicits a Pavlovian response in male viewers, so much the better.

It’s just odd to see Peter surrounded by so much t&a.

Especially when he’s not even on a foreign assignment.

Aw, snap!


  • Anonymous says:

    re: show about the media

    They had one. It was called “Inside Media.” The first season was hosted by Azerb and Matthew Fraser. They, however, have faces best left in print. And the humour didn’t translate. Once Susan Ormiston took over, it was watchable. Despite the lack of t&a, I’m sorry it was cancelled.

  • Barbara says:

    Aw it’s not Peters fault.
    Ouiment, I am missing Tod Maffin any word on how he is doing or when he will be back?
    I know it’s not a relevant comment but I thought you might have the inside track.

  • Ouimet says:

    Allan –
    Someone posted that story about Christine in the forum, and I also read what Stephen Taylor had to say. The crux of his argument is that Tony Burman should also be suspended for expressing his opinions.

    He has a point.

    I went to the CBC’s Journalistic Standards and Practices and tried to find the part about journalists not expressing opinions on controversial issues, outside of the CBC. I couldn’t find it, but maybe I didn’t look hard enough.

    But the way this all happened it looks to me like there’s more going on behind the scenes than we saw. It sounds like Christine wanted to be taken off the beat because she no longer could be objective. This was her way of doing it.

    I wonder what would happen if I wrote something similar? Probably nothing.

    re: Rex murphy
    I think he’s putting us on half the time. Although his bit in the Globe last weekend about satire gave me a few ideas.

    re: show about the media
    Great idea. Ever thought of pitching it? Seriously. Call AZ and see if she’d do it.

    re: CBC-TV dark overnight
    It’s the way they did it before 24 hour TV, and they just never stopped.

    BB –
    I guess it’s hard out here for a pimp.

  • Barbara Bruederlin says:

    Poor Peter. I wonder how he feels about being a pimp. I mean I realize there is a certain amount of pimping involved in any job, but this is getting ridiculously close to the original meaning.

  • Anonymous says:

    The CBC is going through its Tina Brown phase. It’s sad to watch.

  • Allan says:

    Speaking of (T & A and news), the Toronto Sun … in today’s edition on the Comment page, they ask – “Double standard at the CBC?” and under Best Of The Blogs, they print a snippet from – http://stephentaylor.ca/ about “Christine St-Pierre, a french-language reporter at Radio-Canada (the CBC) was suspended after writing an open letter of support to our 2300 troops in Afghanistan.”
    That was interesting.

    Does Rex Murphy get paid by the word? Tonight’s comment about 9/11 conspiracy theories being rubbish was ten times more than needed.

    Ouimet – why not a lively panel discussion that tears a strip off all forms of media and entertainment – with clips and smart people with a sense of humour like Antonia Z.?
    Such a show, either on radio or TV would be fun, and proof that the CBC can take a punch and supports true and complete expressions of free speech.
    Seems to me that the CBC could be leading the way here.

    What’s your guess – ?
    Why does the CBC go dark during the overnight period?
    To have a studio and transmitter go idle seems to me to be the most egregious error of all.

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