A Joe Clark roundup

Notes from the arcane world of Joe Clark, in case you missed them:

Why does the CBC use British spellings in TV captions? Because the BBC does it that way, presumably.

Why does the CBC mix up single and double quotes in TV captions? Can someone please check to see if the BBC does it that way?

In which these errors are reviewed, culminating in “a double misuse of single quotation marks and a misspelling all in a single caption.”

Golden Nugget
What happens when a CBCer blogs about work and thinks no one is reading, but really Joe Clark is reading? And he’s a captioner?
Silly Nugget.

Probably not what you’re expecting. See also: .

Partly a response to the article “To Hell With Joe Clark,” which was a response to Joe’s seminal “To Hell with WCAG 2,” which introduced the WCAG Samurai. None of which I understand, but it’s inspired me to compose a post around the title: “To Hell with John Doyle.”

Joe’s flickr group of CBC captioning weirdness
Where I found this gem:

That squirrelly business in the corner is for the hearing impaired.

Arcane, indeed.


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