
I’ve watched this video a number of times now, and I’m still not sure what it “proves,” besides that the guy who made it shouldn’t be working with video.

It kind of looks like the bit with Elsaadi Daad and the bit with Harper saying “”I’m not concerned or preoccupied in any way with reaction within individual communities” are directly linked. But not everyone will think they were linked. And yet, in some ways they are. But not really.

I’m very interested in examples of bias in CBC News. I’ve heard so much about them. But after all the huffing and puffing of the Conservative bloggers, this is the best example they can find? For this, they want to shut down the CBC?

They’re going to have to find something more damning than this clip.


  • J Jacl says:

    And as for your comment that Taylor guy shouldn’t be working in video…he told the story, and told it accurately, which is more than can be said for the crack editor who put the Lawland piece together.

  • Derek Holtom says:

    The fact you work for the CBC and you don’t find this report biased only confirms what we all believe – that the CBC is biased. This is more akin to Jon Stewart esq reporting – slicing in comments to make someone look bad.
    Keep it up – with TSN/CTV bidding for HNIC, and already securing curling and the Olympics, CBC will be left with few money-making programs. They we’ll all have to decide whether the CBC should be forced to privatize or shut down. What it won’t get is any more tax dollars. Your biased reporting made sure of that.

  • J Jack says:

    You have got to be kidding.

    “But Harper was unmoved” yet he was moved, and said so…but instead of using that segment, they took another clip of him on a slightly related, topic to show his calousness. This was a case of misrepresenting the facts, and it was either deliberate, or very lazy and sloppy. And at worse, it was a hatchet job. I’m astonished that you don’t see that. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe not. Maybe.

    And how about that “deep pockets” crack, what was that all about?

    And who is responsible? Was it the reporter, or some producer?

    Sorry, sir, this is a terrible example of either bad reporting or false reporting. Nothing less.

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