It was me who called the cops

Those kids need to settle down. We’re trying to work in here.

Ok, ok, the Globe gets a good laugh over this, as do the rest of us. (Although we’ll see how much the Globe laughs when Leah Mclaren’s show debuts on CBC.)

In fact, The One is bringing the country together in its laughter and derision, which in a way fulfills part of the CBC’s mandate.

You know it’s getting serious when we bring Ruth-Ellen back to her old job, and sic her on the media to handle the backlash:

“Just remember it’s only week two,” pointed out CBC spokesperson Ruth Ellen Soles, who added that The One is a 10-week series.

Yes, I remember. Too well. To the Star:

“And I’d like to just remind you that Fame Academy on BBC, which was the same format, did take a while to find its feet.”

Again with the BBC?

9:04 pm addendum
Antonia Zerbisias made a few calls. The cops say one of their officers called for extra units, not a CBC employee.
This is getting funnier by the minute.

11:05 pm addendum
The One has been cancelled:
There are no plans for additional episodes. Thanks to all who participated in and supported The One!”


  • Anonymous says:

    The quote “Just remember it’s only week two” is right up there with “Brownies doing a heck of a job.” (You remember from the disaster in New Orleans. Oh yeah, we don’t have any archival tape or footage from that major news event because we were locked out.)

    We all know what should be cancelled now. Yep. He’s “the one”.

  • Anonymous says:

    ABC has now cancelled The One.

    When do we get to cancel the new upper management team?

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh I just saw your 11:05 pm addendum now. “It’s only week none” Ruth Ellen.

    Another rousing success for the Stursberg machine!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    “According to overnight ratings from Nielsen Media Research, the first episode of The One was the lowest-rated series premiere in ABC history, and the second-worst such episode in the history of broadcast television”

    But hey, now “it’s only week two” as Ruth Ellen says. Her “it’s only week 9” quote will definitely lose its punch. It’s honourable that once again Ruth Ellen is staying on the Titanic with the band — but that ship is going down.

    How do publicists work with their pants on fire?

  • Anonymous says:

    It’s sweet. She’s kept part of Barbara Frum alive with her hair.

  • Ouimet says:

    It’s from a season preview party a few years ago. Ruth-Ellen looming over us on a huge TV screen, Big Brother style.

  • Anonymous says:

    Oy vey – where did you get that awful picture?–re

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