A George for the other side too

A surprising bit of ink this week on ‘The Canadian One,’ the CBC’s Idol-killer for next season, leading Stursburg to write to the GaM this morning to defend himeslf.

That the show is being made should not be a surprise to anyone. Many have talked about the possibility, and I suggested it myself last year. I think the CBC Mail Cart brought it up in 2003.

What is surprising to me is that while then One show is an obvious ripoff, we had to buy a ‘franchise’. We couldn’t have thought of this on our own? I wish they would’ve called me. “It’s Idol, except they all live together.” There, I just created my own TV franchise, Executive Produced by Alphonse Ouimet. Don’t steal my ripped-off idea!

And next year it’s my prediction that the Canadian government will devise a new citizenship classification for people like Mark Starowicz who already have the Order of Canada. Call it something like Lord of the Dominion and make it actually worth something, like a GST rebate.

Is there anyone out there who would argue the at the Hour is not a show of “left-wing sensibilities”? They present themselves as a “we make fun of everyone” outfit, but once the discussion starts, it’s pretty clear where everyone is supposed to stand.

Which is fine. I like the Hour, taken in moderation, like paint thinner.

But I always wondered why the news dept wouldn’t want to apply their success from the Hour to the other side? Get yourself a likeable, cool, interesting host who just happens to hate abortion. Give him an hour to do news, jokes, current affairs – whatever he finds interesting.

It would draw in an entire audience of people who aren’t watching, broaden the discourse at CBC News, and just be good TV.

Just keep it light on the bow ties.


  • Anonymous says:

    I thought we were going to fire this dick after the lockout! Let’s get on with it.

  • Dwight says:

    I honestly cannot understand the logic — if it’s there — to this one. Not only renting someone else’s show-name, but violating the Cardinal Rule of CBC News that only Hockey Night in Canada should ever be allowed to get away with:

    Thou Shalt NOT Mess With Mansbridge.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yeah, I tried watching “The Hour”. But every time I turned it on, they were doing celebrity news. Who cares?

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh dear, snapping at the Globe for having the temerity to (timidly) question his calls. Man is running a network, not a peewee hockey team. What kind of response are we to expect when critics begin to feed on the actual shows?

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