Match the viewer complaint with the CBC-TV program


  1. Royal Canadian Air Farce
  2. This is Wonderland
  3. Newsworld (general)
  4. The Tournament
  5. Hatching Matching and Dispatching
  6. DaVinci’s City Hall
  7. Politics (with Don Newman)


  1. Repeated use of the “F” word on this delightful family show is very disappointing and inappropriate.
  2. While living in St Tropez, Brigitte Bardot took offense to the noise a herd of donkeys made in her neighbor’s yard. She had them castrated. This should be mentioned.
  3. Disgusting for the CBC to air. I was appalled. This program is not funny. It is offensive. Foul language was used, illicit drugs and alcohol were consumed in a car. I thought the CBC was supposed to reflect Canadian values.
  4. This had to be the worst representation of a real life situation and you got it entirely wrong.
  5. “Jesus, God damn Christ” was used once; “God damn” was used 7 times; “Jesus Christ” was used 5 times; “bullshit” was used 4 times: and “shit” was used 3 times in the first 1/2 hour. As a Christian woman, I was totally offended by the angry and disrespectful context that the Lord’s name was used in. I will not watch until you improve the script.
  6. Upset with the scene of a jet coming out of a man’s fly. Very scary television. Time to tell your writers to give their heads a shake or possibly go back to writing offensive greeting cards.
  7. viewer #1: Sick of the Liberal slant on this show.
    viewer #2: Slanted heavily towards the Conservatives.
    viewer #3: You focus too much on politics.


  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks Ouimet! Our Senior Producer won the challenge. I guess that’s why she’s the Senior Producer. Always enjoy your posts…

  • Ouimet says:

    Sorry, Anon. I thought I’d give it an extra day ‘cos no one commented.

    Here they are:

    1.. c
    2.. a
    3.. f
    4.. d
    5.. b
    6.. e
    7.. g

    Media Maven: He quit first.

  • Anonymous says:

    Sure, you offer a challenge but then you don’t post the answers! We’re having a contest here in the maritimes and now that I’ve tabulated the results (guesses) from around our newsroom, I’m stuck without definitive answers (sure, alot of these are interchangeable…granted!). However, people want CORRECT answers! It takes some time to go through all those audience responses on the intranet. Will you post the answers please?

  • Media Maven says:

    What’s your take on the Brian Williams firing? Can you explain to us how Nancy Lee keeps her job?

    Surely these are the topics of hallway chat at the Corpse this week. Not viewer complaints, which as amusing as they are, can be read on the Intranet by any worker bee.

  • Blistering Barnacles says:

    Very good Ouimet, though I’ve not consumed sufficient caffeine this early in the morning to have a prayer of lining up the letters with the numbers. I take it that the donkeys were at City Hall?

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